Blackbird CEO, Ian McDonough, presents ‘enormous’ opportunities for flagship platform Watch the interview here.
Thanks for that information, I’m new to this shady area of activity, but learning via my investment in GKP which I have the patience and the risk funds to endure until the outcome, which is close I believe, albeit not for the first time in the year of my involvement.
A question that’s difficult to answer without the benefit of hindsight. On the last occasion that I switched to a buy position when the shares fell to 115 we only had a few weeks remaining before the expected positive results. Fortunately as a day / trader I took a profit @125 within days. Just as well because my expectation of a dividend/ buyback didn’t materialise.
Now with the shares back to 111 or so the same theory has re-emerged, personally I’m not expecting a payout within 10 weeks when the cash position should have increased on ‘local sales’ to the point when a c. 20 million payout would still leave a 100 million net cash position. Unfortunately as a trader I can’t tie up ‘gaming’ funds for that long so I’ll sit on this hold position and review if the price drops further.
With regards to my long term portfolio I wonder if the low international oil price will temp Iraq into making the excuse that Kurdish pipeline sales don’t count with regards to their OPEC quota, although with Bigots in power in Baghdad I won’t be holding my breath.
Sows Ear ? If I didn’t believe in the ability of the management or the prospects of the company I wouldn’t have put any money into GKP shares. However, it is a relatively small part of a portfolio. That said, it’s a large part in terms of interest, what would I talk about on a forum like this with regards to my far larger holdings in stable financial institutions etc.
Yes we (GKP) are due 151million, yes the pipeline will open, when ? and before then we are entitled to claim what we’re due. As for keeping some money in cash while so much uncertainty exists, thats wise. ( boring but sensible,) that said I wouldn’t recommend that anyone that can’t afford to lose all of their investment in GKP should hold any shares whatsoever, this is not an investment for the faint hearted or those that don’t have spare funds. It’s a gamble and we are dealing with bigots.
While it may indeed take 5 years or more to ramp up production to 100k bopd current and future share prices factor in the likelihood of what might happen in the future. This is the reason why we can profit from our judgment and those that analyse today’s statistics in great detail rarely put up correct share price estimates, in part it’s sentiment and, especially for GKP etc. guesswork, risks and rewards. ( GKP trades at a lower P.E. than a food retailer or a funeral director for a reason. )
I’m on hold. But 5 years ! Life’s far too short.
GKPs share price has fallen back alongside the fall in international oil prices, clearly the OPEC cuts have not been affective or adhered to. So where does that leave Iraq? Lower prices lower income, lower sales volumes, same again. Will they attempt to stop the export of Kurdish oil and call that a part of their OPEC cut? Personally I’d doubt it even if they could, they’d need to send more of the national budget to Kurdistan or risk internal strife. Will they reduce the Kurdish share of the budget and allow Kurdish pipeline exports by claiming that it wasn’t a part of their quota and therefore shouldn’t be a part of their agreed cuts. I’m won’t hold my breath in anticipation. In the meantime, and within reason, no matter how far GKPs shares might fall, I’m on Hold in the belief that our production numbers will remain high and the so called ‘local sales’ ( smuggling) doesn’t fall back too much. This is a situation that’s positive for GKP. shareholders if all profits above a need to keep a hundred million in cash for a long thunder storm. ( were already in a long Rainy Day period.) are paid as buybacks / dividends.
Depending upon her who must be obeyed’s current requirements, I might change to a Buy position if the share price drops by more than it fairly should.
On Monday the 13th of May the board announced a share buyback because, “ Given GKPs weak share price which the board believes trades at a significant discount to the intrinsic value,” etc.
The price of GKP shares closed on the last trading day prior to that announcement at c. 120p. When taking account of the now lower share count GKPs market capitalisation will now be lower than it was on the 13th of May therefore a question for the board today should be something resembling, ‘if GKP was SIGNIFICANTLY undervalued @120 previously, is it still undervalued? If so when can we expect another buyback?
I must admit to being one of those that were expecting another buyback, and /or, a dividend. Nevertheless, the fact that the previous 25 million dollar distribution has all but been replaced by free cash flow within a few months indicates an ability to return further amounts later in the year, and / or, if the share price drops, as so eagerly anticipated by one, the company have stated there disappointment regarding a too low share price and they clearly have the resources to step in with an additional buyback.
Today’s early price seems to reflect satisfaction with a profitable start to the year under continuing difficult circumstances, but it doesn’t price-in an eventual return to pipeline exports, no doubt because there are no positive signs in that direction.
Itzatimeto —— Stop answering Itz because I no longer wish to exchange worthless points with an intellectually unarmed person.
I now believe the key to the pipeline reopening is Iraq’s OPEC quota. Can they sell Kurdish oil via SOMO without reducing cheaper production elsewhere? It seems to me that Baghdad are turning a blind eye to those ‘local sales’ and we (GKP) might have no choice other than to rely on that export by tanker income for some time. Fortunately we are in a strong cash positive position and if the board decide to maintain the freeze on long term investment they could distribute all short term profits. In that respect it’ll be interesting to note what those profits are currently, ie. could they afford another immediate buyback and a dividend total of say 25 million dollars? And importantly repeat that 3 or 4 months later ( a nice Xmas bonus) if so I for one will be very happy to hold indefinitely with the possibility that one day, who knows when, the pipeline will reopen. The time when the buybacks / large dividends can be replaced by investment in future production increases.
“Hopefully GKP production is up and $ per barrel has increased to 30+“ “Another Divi and buy backs will. Be good news for holders”
Strange coming from an idiot that wastes time studying a share that Itz doesn’t own and is in reality hoping that the news will be bad and the share price falls to 90p so that the hypocritical fool can tell us all how stupid we are for being GKP share holders. Itz did of course add that “the share price isn’t going anywhere until pipeline agreement”
Personally I blame the government for closing the asylums and allowing care in the community.
While it’s nice to see buying interest I wouldn’t read too much into trades of that relatively small size (for an institution) it could be a short taking a profit, a long position trader* with a thought that the results are due, an institution with money to spend into a high risk or high yield fund. It could of course be someone with inside information, although that could be
the seller of the shares those shares looking for an exit as well as a buyer looking for a profit. * Personally I’m holding in the expectation of price supporting news in the results and a nice dividend, but I won’t be crying no matter what GKP or those f*****g Ar**s come up with next as an excuse for their stupidity.
I’m confident regarding the probability that the GKP share price will increase on or before the half year results, subject to general market conditions, I will therefore retain my core holding, however as a trader I won’t resist the chance to take the 10p gain on the shares purchased for 115 earlier this week. (Happy wife, happy life. )
Missed 115 this morning and just took that now, probably in too deep, but hey it’s only money.
Itzanidiot, haven’t you noticed the current market, as for GKP ninety, no, and if you had any money to risk you could short the stock yourself, no, that takes balls.
Good results, good deal today, even if the market continues to fall for a while.
At today’s opening price 115 or thereabouts I’ll put my money where my mouth is and buy, albeit knowing the risk.
Taking account of the recent share price fall towards the level that the GKP board recently regarded as being too low, thus triggering the share buyback, I’ve switched my personal position from hold to buy.
With the half year results due shortly and the probability that 27 dollars per barrel, or a little more, is being achieved, alongside production remaining as reported, cash currently being generated in addition to the more than adequate reserve should allow for another buyback, and or, a dividend payment.
“Now I ‘hope’ 122p holds later this week” not true.
Itz got nothing useful to do in life. Balls*** As a person that does not hold shares in GKP you’re obviously jealous of those that do have money to spare for high risk / reward stocks, and you are desperately hoping that the shares will fall so that you can post your perverted pleasure.
Fortunately as I for one have more than made my money back on short term trades, more to follow if the price drops, I’m happy to sit on a good dividend opportunity no matter what the share price might be within reason.
The regular contributor that was called Amaximillion, or something like that ? The communist that had millions in GkP.
My guess will be that no more updates will be announced prior to the results. The share price has increased since the start of the buyback, not as much as some here might have hoped, but there’s no pleasing some. Another buyback could be a better way to spend any surplus cash than another dividend, however, the share price after the results will reflect the performance and the prospects, buyback now or not. So dare I say it again ? Why not. Patience Required.
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