RE: "There isn’t enough SAF fuel to make a dent."- UK Gov.12 Feb 2025 14:06
Oh dear swaz
. Another waste of time to even just glance at your nonsense diatribe. To start, Letus begin with the last para of my post re SAF, which you conveniently 'left our' in your musings, sorry, AI musings.
'ps. You deleted my post from yesterday, in which I copied your ' cannot quote facts' blah, blah, blah. I asked you more than a dozen times to explain the fake 'handle' of your 'most trusted and honest friend', who. like you, uses disinformation and misinformation. It's you swaz, who can't handle the truth. FACT.'
You still can't answer that question, FACT. Good of you to own up to 'having posts deleted'. Such a 'big man'. I know swaz, the truth hurts you. My conversation with the CEO pre-dates all you nonsense on SAF. FACT. SAF from waste plastic, was first mentioned on this board, probably 6 months or more, ago, when ot was announced, in Ireland, that an Irish company, Trifoil, was mfgSAF from waste plastic, using Pyrolysis. Obviously no PHE Patent infringement.
Then I fell to the floor laughing at this nonsense in your diatribe;
'🔹 Regulatory Compliance Exists for a Reason. PHE follows market disclosure rules—an RNS is only issued when results are fully verified and validated. No responsible company throws out half-baked RNS updates just to satisfy impatient trolls who are obsessed with short-term share price moves.'
On the 6thFeb, you posted;
''.PHE’s DMG® technology has already demonstrated successful operational performance, with further validation expected from Bridgend’s imminent commissioning.'
These 2 comments are at odds with each other. Both cannot be true. So, ask your AI which was is true. RNS only issued when results fully verified and validated, or full operational performance has been achieved. This would have been RNS's, n'est pas. I would stand well clear of your AI PC when asking the question, I think it will 'blow many circuits trying to evaluate your inputs. Take a year off in Fantasy Island with the 3 stooges. However, I gather from reading a Dumber post, that Dumb encapsulated your 3 page diatribe on SAF into 1 sentence. Suggestion. Put your AI PC in the bin, and employ Dumb.
ps . Copy and Paste, that is what your Fake friend excelled in. On the few occasions I have c n p an article, I give the reference of the author. I have been educated to post degree level, and do not need AI to converse on subjects.