The market won't be receptive.
Y11, I think that's where WB has gone wrong, not following your schizophrenic trading approach. You should set up a Fruitcake Fund for fellow believers. Put me down for £10k.
For Q4, JSE have hedged 10,551bpd@$70.81 per barrel. That's $100k a day revenue they are missing out on, which becomes more of an issue each day Akatara is not producing.
Only fools predict share prices, but historically, today's oil price, cable rate, FTSE 100 and buyback programme data indicates value at sub £4.10.
Don't know what's going on with the buybacks, £16.8m spent today, when there's circa £27m left to spend daily until results. I know the dollar has lost value, but only recently they were buying 2 million more shares a day.
Happy, you do like to spray gun your predictions all over this forum, which are all hopelessly wrong. Outsmarted by yll, what a cross to bear for any investor.
Y11, they say it's never wrong to take a profit, in your case it might be.
The comment from BP less than a year ago about how critical onshore wind was to its renewables business shows the nonsense that shareholders have to put up with. MA should have fronted up here explaining last year's comments and yesterday's about turn. It's all a game I know, but it'd be nice to be dealt a fair hand.
The warning sign here was Maari which dragged on for 3 years before they walked away. It was clear after 18 months that deal was never going to happen, that management inertia was repeated at Montara which has destroyed shareholder value. Today, Stag remains a carbuncle on the face of JSE's portfolio and they've done nothing. Praying for a high oil price to make that field viable is not what Blakeley is paid a very considerable salary for. The share has more of a chance without him at the helm.
It's offshore wind they want to get rid of, but the hit they'd have to take means that's not going to happen. Disingenuous, but as ever today's news shows how much value BP's portfolio of assets carries.
Ticking over this month, on track to beat Q3 guidance. Get through September and October, reinvest the dividends and try not to look at the share price too often.
Where does the increase in net finance costs fit into your misleading equation.
Don't worry he said they'll be over a fiver in a few weeks(he forgot to mention via 3 quid).
HI, are you too lazy to check, or do you only select investment criteria to fit your own blinkered mindset.
On a RC basis, profit before interest and tax.
Q1 2020, net debt $51.4bn, quarterly net finance costs $790 million.
Q2 2024, net debt $22.6bn, quarterly net finance costs $1.176 billion.
There has been a big fall in net debt to $23bn, but there has also been a significant rise in finance costs from when net debt was $50bn. There is not much difference between what BP pays out every quarter in dividend payments and interest payments. Oil at $72 means while cash flow will drop, finance costs will pro rata become more of a drain. There won't be a $7.5bn buyback next year with Brent at $72.
What was happening on this board when the share price went sub £2, I was invested in BP at the time and I don't remember the moaning to be this bad. Perhaps investors should try and find their backbone over the weekend.
4 quid gives a 6% yield. Every price fall, the yield increases and the risk of capital loss decreases. Every investor has their own button, and when to push it
I know all that. If the share price is above £5 on Nov 1st I'll put £100 in the charity of your choice, if not I'll put you in the clueless ramper category.
You sound desperate. Why make pointless predictions without giving the reasoning.
Oh no! Not you again. PTAL to the end of August is ahead of guidance in regard to barrels produced and price received of $83.75 per barrel. To achieve full year guidance of $77 a barrel, they can average $63.5 p/b for the last 4 months of the year. I have confidence in their CEO managing a business that at times can be challenging, unlike the clown running JSE who has continually lowered guidance throughout the year and still hasn't got to grips with a minor 30 barrel oil spill over 2 years ago that has wrecked the company.
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