Andrada Mining’s earn-in agreement with SQM is value-accretive partnership. Watch the interview here.
So more money for the NHS ,its less than six months that the government injected 25 billion into the NHS and here we go again now ,you may thing that's a stupid thing to say but think about it.
All these billions of money that we cant afford anyway ,is it really going to improve the NHS ? its dubious isn't it ? as its never done so before into this bottomless pit . more money after bad, not much reform ,grossly inefficient, staff 50% not qualified, absurd levels of overpaid staffing and more to come, that's where all your money is going. its a good job company's ,yes private are there to help out
This needs total reform or,the money is wasted as before, and i dont believe much of significance is going to happen at the end of the day ,other leaks a bit like road tax doesn't go on the roads much is a fine example, who in government can you trust any more ? Its just the normal government response to a crisis,just throw money at it but it wont work.
We are all paying a price to pay for this binge, increase national insurance ,triple lock scrapped, and the rest in fact for what is all costing and going to cost we possibly would have been better off with a private national health insurance as this has been proved to work in other country's better than the current system here, Wont go down well with you Tricky would it ? Deep alterations in the structure of the NHS are needed and no government dare do it, that's how t has remained as it is.
No nation can afford what the NHS is costing without privatizing a larger portion of it,or,we just continue to keep paying massive amounts into it to the detriment of everything and everyone else.
So referring back to you Tricky D what's your answer to the NHS?
One suggestion would be to drastically cut billions off the foreign aid budget as we cant afford that either.
Yes ,way to conservatives your right
I am trying not to be cynical but i dont believe the new products are ready..or they would likely have been launched, no company holds back products . MHC states its covid why they haven't launched but personally its more like they are not ready to launch until early ,next year as probably that when they will be ready
Yes i am sure Javid would like to get rid of the pcr tests ,so would everyone else BUT, looking ahead to late autumn and winter and spring for that matter is he really going to be able to chance it? he may take a gamble but the way covid is going at the moment its hard to predict i know but its not looking good for any relaxation of it like it or not those covid figures have far more upside as yet than downside it seems.
recently saw a article saying 49% of NHS staff are unqualified ! makes you wonder dispite the government announcement on cash injection just how much good it will really do?
To many people sat in offices and getting paid more than the PM. for starters ,of course this has been widely known for some time. All the gov has ever done is throw more cash at a lumbering inefficient giant and it cant be the answer,it hasnt worked before. to much waste and inefficiency . The writing is on the wall huge reform is needed and that will come in the form of more private practice . A form of medical insurance will likely be the result sooner or later.
You cannot just inject more and more money without major reforms ,government must think they can wave a wand and the waiting list will shrink the more money is thrown at it. besides they haven't sufficient trained staff to achieve it.where do you think that leaves TLY?
TLY will benefit one way or another from it both in the NHS existing form and a future revamped NHS. if it comes about.
No, now i think about it , the last trades to qualify are the ones the day before the ex-div date ,has to be. must be going nuts
When the sp goes ex-div , how does it work? i am not clear on this although i should be, Is it the buyer buying the day before by the end of the trading day ? or the seller ? because in theory the seller is still on the books at the time isn't he That being the min 3 business day s for the trade to clear. i am perplexed.
Tricky RE- material changes,i dont know maybe someone else does, market dont seem impressed , so it seems.
They must be doing something right ,,Tricky.more than what you are eh.
Highly cash generative with a strong cash balance and no debt. That's a very strong and positive rns What's not to like about that ..Tricky ? not much negativity there for you is there ? Tricky . further to this more cash becoming available to the NHS
Sounds good to me .doesn't it you Tricky
Are you suggesting then that tly/thc section are simply sitting on their hands while the waiting lists get longer? that would be absurd to imply that now wouldn't it? Are you seriously implying then that TLY are NOT actually helping the NHS at all,that also would be a absurdity .
"Surely the NHS can offer what the THC are doing " So what do you actually believe the THC are doing then ..Tricky
It seems quite straightforward to me Tricky even if it doesn't to you that THC are very much so helping the NHS and that's why they are in there helping because the NHS cant cope . obviously..comprehendi
All what you say is not based on facts once more, like many other things you state and but how you yourself perceive it and speculate on it in as usual a negative way. And let me ask you something how the hell do you know what the charges are for equipment and operating theatres or surgeons fees ??
You just speculate ,you dont know ,it would be confidential anyway you dont even know if the system works that way and for that matter they may well not be charged at all for all you know. If anyone is going to be doing the charging it will be TLY/THC why do you think they are in business they are not helping the NHS for charity .
I hate to disappoint you Tricky but they are there to make money ,didn't you know that. TLY is a private company whatever the situation they make profit you know even though that may not go down well with you , God knows why because its government and tax payers money and without TLY it goes without saying that the waiting lists without them would be a sight longer so its know good you attempting to shift the blame onto them for long wasting lists we all know what it is and it was covid. further to this if there were shorter list or none at all ,i know your minset and you would then be saying ,oh dear how are TLY going to survive without waiting lists .the NHS are doing fine they wont need TLY..correct me if i am wrong ,wouldn't you?
i dont think there is anything we need to be concerned about with this one.. time and patience is all that's needed
This will grow , onwards and upwards easy
According to the DM today a major supplier is under investigation for over charging along with 80 other suppliers but no names mentioned but it is 100% unlikely that it is MHC ..All will be revealed sooner or later. and MHC have already made a statement a short while ago on this subject. presumably the ones remaining legitimate will be even busier
TLY are here to help the NHS and ,are doing so admirably , and on this board i believe you are the only critic to attempt to deny this ,
Yes TLY are helping and if you want to see it your way they are as a private business concern are making money out of the GOVERNMENT ,ie the NHS if you want to be cynically
There is nothing wrong in that many other company's do the same on government contracts so i dont see your problem,i really dont and, for that matter dont the government do the same to people by way of tax amongst other things ,we are fleeced to a large extent by the government and so its the man in the street that really pays for the NHS isn't it? hypocrites go on about making money out of the NHS you could say the employees do to be ridicules'also
And how many times has it been said on here TLY profits are miniscule ..
So what's it to be then ? make your mind up are they making huge sums of money out of the NHS or, are they making miniscule profits ? in which case you will not mind because you are these days a non shareholder.. come clean ,you cannot have it both ways as you dont have a argument one way or the other do you?
Just checked on this directly from account on TLY it is wrong is the 8p bought it reads 9.25p bought. so apologies for the message below
You thought wrong old pal and we never established anything of the sort or,you might have done and while we are on the subject if you recall some weeks ago you were questioning me about prices ,remember and i listed all the prices and dates i bought tly two years ago. The sp was variable but on one batch i did buy at 8p but on average i paid 12p i suggest you refer back and when or if you find it attach a link to it ..i have nothing to hide unlike yourself ..why dont you tell us your prices you bought in at and then sold Honesty is held in far higher regard than lies and deceit
Perfectly happy with this and been in it 2 years, anyone who isn't should look else where, anyone posting viscous circle messages should go and get a head test.
What is the point in sending repeat messages of what they have said before and that are not present or recent investors on here are not only wasting their time but making themselves look foolish and have nothing to support what they say ,At the risk of repeating myself .From 8p to 38p in 2 years speaks for itself . IF anyone cares to look at the graph charts,anyone with any investing intellect will notice this for themselves. Its as simple as that ,enough said. the proof is out there.only need to look it up. looking back 6 years is a long time on the markets and is completely and utterly irrelevant
Correct ,and me too
Thats EDDIE..not Tricky
Eddie.....what have we said about you always,always looking back to when you lost your shirt when you bought at 60/70p or whatever ,how there has been a turn around and you still dont get it. you will never get your money back because you wont be in it,or get in it. some people like yourself will never learn and lets get this fact right one and for all it is NOT a terrible performance as you put it and,you know it. so please dont try to put investors off with lies.
YOU admit it has been at 9/12p so look again at todays price and still in your eyes its a terrible investment ,it therefore speaks volumes of your investment knowledge and capability when you spout oh well its still a terrible performance when EVERYONE clearly doesn't agree with you as they can see for themselves the progress made in the last 2 years and to look back like you do to 6/7 years back well ,that is irrelevant. cut out the sour grapes and move on.
QUOTE YOU ONCE MORE 38P SOUNDS AMAZING PROGRESS....Tricky that's because it is...get real
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