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hey TRICKY DICKY what do you think of the new contract? or, is it another one of those contractual obligations according to your post on july 26th ,and there's me thinking all companys have contractual obligations,even tremor.
You really should try to stop making yourself look a clown shouldn't you and ,here's my advice to you if you want to make some money TLY is not to trade but its medium/long term as your advice to trade this share is rubbish.
mhc....Not alot of progress with the sp these last few months but the prospects are good.but, disappointing so far.
i dontblame the company except to say it is lacking in updates but at this time of year ,and this is what i am going by holidays abroad , to much uncertainty, and the market indices are usually quite weak in summer, this summer is no exception,you know what they say "sell in may and go away,come back in st switherns day" because of results and year end for alot of companys and this trend seems to liven the market up , its daft but true.
down below £7 soon this due to court case cannot argue with tricky because he is a CLOT, ie "best to trade and not get caught out again"
Who does he think has got caught out ? i don't think you have and i certainly haven't . i mean nothing he says makes any sense any way BEST TO TRADE INDEED lol Who the hell is this silly c..t.... tricky ********
Yes it certainly will, should be ok i think.I cant see any problems going forward to year end ,its progressive as i see it.
Yes Thordon, your bang on with that one
Can see these heading below £7 soon ,the nearer the court case gets people will get the shakes
A traders share ! oh yes indeed ...what rot , would like to see you trade it today ..traders share it certainly isn't.
continued....if you think TLY is no better than and you claim the sp is doing nothing , well it sometimes doesnt, but this last twelve months how is it then it has increase by 133.85% in twelve months ?and that is a FACT, if that isnt good enough for you what is?
What investments have you Radium and you Eddie21 got that can beat that, you both seem to keep stum about what you can achieve but, do you know why you cant achieve it and never have,your loosers that's why and we all know it
Now you are calling me about the price i paid so i have gone back in my investment records and here it is.
And they were all significant BUYS
Now put your figures down if you dare but everyone watch this space because they WONT
You want got them i must admit some were actually lower than i thought
Now i repeat lets see how honest you both are , put up or shut up.
radium/EDDIE 21..
Yes i want facts,doesnt everyone,but i will not get them off you two clowns,i would say also that stt1 has more facts in his little finger than you two plonkers, as from this message any further conversation after this will just be ignored as spam
SO you keep quoting me about facts in your recent messages neither of you are capable of making any facts except to suit your own agenda as istated
Again you are obsessed with Tremor, is that the best you can do?, we are bored about hearing about Tremor , we are bored about hearing your stupid comparisons to other investors , your childish remarks , you apparently don't believe me either but your another looser who is sour about what happened years ago, two peas in the same pod, why don't you get some anti depressants ? strong ones. and all this about stt1 who cares ?you might well be right,you might well be wrong i dont need to care because i have made big gains on TLY believe it or not and don't try to pretend otherwise because its factual.
All you are doing is proving what a idiot you are,and you are one make no mistake , i have never state either that i bought at the very bottom , i told you what i bought at neither have i sold at the top when i did a top slice , you are just bitter because your a looser , no need to be embarrassed about it their are others i am sure ,cant get it right ? we don't always all the time, then don't risk investing if your not up to it, that's my advice ,stay out before you loose out again.
Amazing trades eh, well i wouldn't normaly announce anything on here and the only reason i did on here is because loosers like you and your side kick dont think if they cant make anything neither can anyone else but again when you are told its possible you still don't believe it ,or more like don't want to because it doesn't suit your agenda, i am happy with my investments including this one, i am not going to continue wasting time messaging on here to you and radium, you are both a waste of space and only on here for fun and pulling others to pieces just for fun, you are both phoney investors ,
none investor de-rampers but it won't work with me because i know different and that's all i have to say to you two.
go crawl back under your stones.
RADIUM you are WRONG i bought in around 12, not 8 ,i didnt say that and i know for a fact when i bought and what i had,what i have now and i cant put it any simpler,not even for you , i bought in 12. something or other low twelve and before the jumped to 20p approx on a online recommendation from investors chronicle and i have been in ever since ..comprehendi .i couldnt give a f about your chart ,don't try to bluff me with it because i KNOW when i bought, you dont want to believe it what i have said because as with everything else you don't want to and only believe what you want to believe in your head and you don't fool me matey because you are a looser and you dont want to believe that either but its a fact isnt it? sourpuss
You still are talking crap because you shouldn't relate to what the situation was with TLY 5/7 years ago it bares no relation to the current situation.Stop looking back ! its a different state of affairs now , you should be looking forward,how do you know for instance that stt1 didnt average down ? and why are we talking about him anyway?
I am not interested in individuals on here ,everyone has his opinions and makes his own decisions, even you i say this and i am just as guilty as anyone else but we should all be more focused on the company and not individuals .
Why don't you admit i was right about the sp for the last 3 years, surely there isn't a need to look back beyond that time period even though you were right about the price back then but i already knew that anyway but past sp is not relevent today,lots of company's have a history similar and it doesn't make them a dud . If it is as bad as some make out like you TLY it wouldn't be in business. the cash calls were needed most likely and i suppose you could say that's why they are in business today if you want to look that far back, behind every decision made by a board is a reason for it.can you honestly say TLY are not doing well?or,better than they were back then;
yes,they could be doing better but it takes time to progress and they will. The road ahead looks a sight better than the one behind. stop looking in your rear view mirror
Eddie21 i don't need much fooling when it comes to you , your only fooling yourself if you think that, i can see through you and your ilk like seeing through glass, your like a old record going on about tremor board, who cares ,this is tly board,or haven't you noticed. don't know about stt1 but your no better on here as i said before its just a game to you.and,you cannot substantiate anything you say on here. stick to accurate company news theirs a good chap, nothing more to be said that hasn't been said already .
What a load of crap you posted,like TLY have been on a continuous down trend for at least 7 years for instance , not the last 3 years they haven't ,your another that is looking backwards .
Yes i repeat i have made lots of money on this and that's a FACT . i don't have to see the light because i stand in it.
I have not been trading the fall as you put it ,i originally bought at more or less the bottom around 8p and have grown with it since, i was never in it when it was at the top, you are just a sour loser along with others, i have gone from the bottom price more or less to what it is now and with no small amount, i am not sure to be honest when but this will arrive at 50,60p sooner or later, where will you be? i have top sliced once or twice and i don't have as many as i did but i have always left a significant investment here even though its not as many as i once had . i am not like you nursing losses as you put it ,not like you,thats why i have a different opinion to you . you are just sour grapes.are you actually invested here ?and ,if that's the accuracy of your information as a example its no wonder your a loser.TLY have moved on since and are moving forwards steady as it goes but has a great future and its going to take me further. Its coming home.
I totally agree with you we have tricky dicky,radium, and Eddie 21, agreed and all of them none investors, or miniscule investors i bet, but may have been in the past. They stand out a mile due to sour grapes comments all negative in nature no matter what the results, but next time around they will eat their words but maybe they will be gone by then
Have you noticed like me how they latch on to miniscule profits for instance and forgetting the rest. oh yes weak company financials ,another instance. but i don't know about anyone else they can say what they like but for me TLY has been and continues to be a good investment as i have made thousands invested here to date so what's not to like ? And as long as this stands i will not be looking for anywhere else,until appropriate, funny thing is not one of them can actually recommend anything as a option, so they must be clueless So find us all a better home for it then all you experts And,looking into the future TLY will have the growth from acquisitions and what they have all ready. pretty obvious really if you have a brain and its alive i would think.
In so many words you implied it Tricky...with regards to the gov white paper , that it would knock TLY for six ..please don't try to deny it now . You were strongly all doom and gloom about it all along..
You have no opinion on the matter! are you having a laugh? Yu most certainly have and it was negative 100%
Tricky ,You kept harping on about TLY profit of 0.1 mill but it really is 2.6 mill if it wasn't for amortization and that's the key figure to go by because its a guide to future profits next time around , and is likely to far exceed that next time.
quote i have no idea if government proposals will effect this,unquote. if i were you and you wouldn't like to bet on the outcome perhaps its as well you don't because i would say you would loose your bet. i think your 50p divi is abit unlikely but we all wish it wasnt.
Oh for f.... sake first you were moaning that stt1 was posting to much Eddie21, and now you question now why he has almost stopped, accordingly you should be well pleased then but you don't seem to be ,really is just a game to you isn't it ?
Bloody excellent news and its what alot of people had estimated and it has come true .Its going to be a good year for MHC ,just wait for the next results and any rns in between ,we have hit the ground running.
Why are you here then ? Radium , stop looking back 5 years ,you should be forward looking, and, how many more times are you going to post your **** ,did you pay the top wack 5 years ago and have never got over it ? yes, that's why you are such a sourpuss.
As for the profit ,TLY are generating cash and but for amortization the profit would be 2.6 mill. this will reflect in the 2022 results probably 5 mill plus by then and as stated TLY has no debts ,and has had a disruptive year to boot ,what's not to like about the results,everything is on the up, even more so next time. i agree with geoffieboy on all counts so, shut it and f... off if you don't like.