Blackbird CEO, Ian McDonough, presents ‘enormous’ opportunities for flagship platform Watch the interview here.
I would say one of the most important things we need to do is build trust still further with the powers that be in government and the civil service. I work in the NHS - low level - but I keep my ear to the ground. Contractors have been allowed - and continue - to rip the NHS off for far too long. Procurement and site hospital rental need to be looked into very seriously.
What relevance does any of this really have to Capita, other than to enable the serial idiot to drag us down across these boards? Seriously, block rather than engaging with him. That is, of course, unless any of his supposed protagonists are doing so through being in league with him?
Trisor, agree with all of your comments - apart from the use of one outdated phrase ;-)
"@james Oxford sorry but you just sound like an obnoxious individual". Okey, gonna stick my neck out here when I suggest that you like to take your time, a v-e-r-y long time when it comes to character realisation.
"Simpiles, why reply just Green Box? "
Agree totally and have undertaken the latter policy for over a fortnight. The one thing I would say judging by my number of green box filters and references to O I have seen, there's no way this guy was a banker for 30 years. The mentality is merely that of a pathetic trader rather than a retiree.
SuccesstotheBrave, I agree and am actually in favour of less portfolio diversification than is generally advised - largely because I feel we are better off through being able to focus to a greater extent on just several, carefully selected companies, rather than umpteen of them. You can also cash-in more quickly if needed.
Not sure is this is in context but..............
I have always felt derampers are just lone wolves who are trying to knock back the SP for their own benefit. However, since I filtered several posters on here (the obvious ones) the best part of a week ago and judging by the amount of green boxes that pop-up, I cannot believe the amount of time that is wasted interacting with these prolific "uninvested" posters. They can only be doing so through earning from from paymasters for their efforts because NOBODY would otherwise be so bitter / angry or wasteful of their own precious time. Unbelievable.
Trisor, as a traditional Thatcherite, I blame the Conservative party from Brexit onwards for their constant bickering, for acting in the own intests of themselves and that of their mates, for virtually always placing the party before country, for giving us Truss and Johnston AND for governing (sort of) with levels of intellect and integrity to shame. I ashamedly did vote Tory in the interests of balance but it really stuck in my throat as they really did not deserve my vote.
HHH, please refrain from using such provocative words as "buddies" in future as it creates a feeling of alienation for those of us not included in that group and could drive emotional envy amongst us. Only a raving fascist would bring such language to this board 😜. Please control yourself in future 😉
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