Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
Mmm. We should be at 0.25p before drilling. That is only 35m Mcap.
0.25p 35m Mcap
0.50p 75m Mcap
0.75p 110m Mcap
1p 150m Mcap.
No risk of dilution Unlike other Helium plays that need funding for infrastructure and multiple well development.
At the end of the day, we saw similar yesterday. 14:30 hrs started getting a surge of buys.
We know the unrealised value here. Spread is 13% and awful.
Games being played here so markets can make money. People selling on their usual rainbow chasing 10%.
MSMN should be 0.1p with what they have. Not long now.
Could the assets of IOG be a good candidate for GB Energy Labours initiative. Whether that would be a buyout or just take the assets.
Said she had spoken to UPL and the PSC was done before the AGM. Which is either a lie or insider information.
Just remember there are lots of people trying to either enter lower or ramping to get out . Names on a screen mean nothing.
Truth is know one knows, i did sell this morning as the uncertainty and risk is not too much. Still watching as May be back with 25% of my original holding. But to be honest bolstering other shares which have upside is probably what i will do.
Wow just seen the -17% on that RNS. Luckily i removed my stop loss for MSMN. I was in the gym and would have had a terrible surprise. Yea i would have bagged a profit but reentry is costly and not guaranteed if you have been buying for a while.
Phew. Panic over.
Exactly, they were always going to RNS the name change first. Then the other news will follow hopefully after.
Why would to do it all in a oner especially as it take a while for brokers and everyone to switch over.
Maximising the good news for the new name vs old Boil.
Many people do no research and just piggyback a quick rise or rumour. Yes us LTH do get diluted sometimes and get frustrated but the end game is the same the value in the future vs the Mcap is still worth being here for.
Good news and moving to the next step wont happen until the new name is initiated and new ticker.
No point in using up good news on the Boil name.
So really we need to be patient, lots of news ahead. I know some on here have been patient for years, hopefully not long now.
Why give all the good news before the name change that would be silly.
But then that is assuming 1: there is good news and 2: common sense is common.
Builder. Shhh. If gordo want to pay you 1p for your shares let him. 😎
MSMN is doing just fine, will they raise in the future possible of course but good news will hopefully always provide a reason why.
But for people on this board to suggest they will raise because other AIM companies do is BS. They are different effing companies. Either do some research or i bet you are in this because of twitter or some other reason.
So yes as an investor in MSMN i am prepared for a raise in the future but there is a hell of a lot of good news to cone first. That is my morning rant done.
When does the new name take effect? Maybe i missed it is the RNS.