Latest NAV19 Aug 2024 11:34
Most of the NAV decline in this quarter is for the listed holdings but there are modest declines in the unlisted holdings too. Most of the portfolio value is in the conventional oil and gas holdings and a majority of the investments by value are listed.
Overall 65% of NAV is investments in conventional oil and gas companies, 16% of NAV is decarbonisation investments and 20% of NAV is net cash. 51% of NAV is listed
holdings. The 30/6/24 NAV is 3.3% below our £ terms NAVe of 1354pps. After updating
for the 30/6/24 NAV and the latest share buybacks we reduce our live NAV by 11.7% from $19.24ps to $16.99ps in $ terms and from 1,503pps to 1,327pps in £ terms. Most of this
reduction reflects a change made due to a pricing feed error that has come in to the model since the start of August 2024 related to the listed decarbonisation holding in Tritium DCFC. At a current share price of 804pps (@09:00) the headline discount to our NAVe is 39.4% but allowing for the significant net cash balance sheet and taking out listed
holdings at NAV, the implied discount on the unlisted holdings is 136%. The remaining
portfolio is highly concentrated and NAV movements will be influenced by the share prices for the conventional oil and gas listed holdings. But RSE continues its share buybacks which are significantly accretive to NAV per share and the current price effectively assumes no value for the unlisted holdings including Onyx within the conventional oil and gas portfolio that appears to continue to be performing well. We remain Overweight.