Mike Ralston, CEO of Blencowe Resources, explains the significance of the MSP for Orom-Cross. Watch the interview here.
Ace o f Clubs. You shoud bear in mind that when one reaches a certain age (I am91) the. dividend income is far more important. than. capital growth. The Phoenix. divs have been brilliant and have nelped me to. enjoy a good life - lots of travel , help for children and grand children, house renovation etc.
Agreed, I only made the comment because of an earlier post by "Clank"
Currently in Morocco I note that the majority of. young men smoke - and probably will be hooked. for. life.
Not. good for them but good for investors. Heavy cannabais. smoking too - I believe Bats are into cannabis through an investment in a. Canadian. company
A yield of c.10% should more than compensate for capital loss. 5 years at 10% = 50%. Bats. sp. unlikely to fall. that much.
I travel. the world a lot and. I assure you smoking is. still going. strong. Presently in Morocco where it is hard to find a non smoking male. I am in an apartment above a tabac and there is a constant stream of. customers. Then think of. China - 40% are smokers. Throughout. Africa. there is little or no education about the health problems which can arise.
Suugest we think internationally. I travel extensively and. at oresent. am 3 months in North. Africa. I am amazed at the number if people smoking. I have an apartment. abive a "tabac" and there is a. constaant. stream of buyers.
I have 3 good friends. here- I am currently in Morocco- one Moroccan, one French. one. German - they all smoke. (not. me)
Most if the moroccan smokers. are. young men - and will probably be hooked. for life.
Then think of. China - 40% are. smokers.
It will be a long long. tie before. smoking is eliminated and as. consumption falls, prices will increase -and so will your. dividends.
There are some solid. looking buys today- several around. 35k. We can agonise and analyse as much as we. wish but basically it is still growing the business, itis geographically. diversified and the. dividend. is. covered. Ithinknthe last. trading anioucement was very positive considering the. headwinds faced by. all the"green". stocks. I am not. expecting miracles but my. advise is. to hang in there and collect the. dividends.Time. will improve the. situation especially when interest rates start. to . come down
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