Think you may be right with your 2nd guess Phunt. That comeback was as pathetic , as the one to me. Angry would have waffled on forever and argued black was white. Its strange that when facts are put in front of certain investors, they just resort to insults. I guess its from chasing those losses.
JB , nobody asked for solutions from shareholders. Red just offered up his usual drivel ,when the joint statement was put out. So was then asked for a solution as he is so knowledgeable . As usual all he could offer was insults. Always reminds me of Anger.
If thats the case Red, then DO management, the union , delivery personnel and some directors , must all be wrong. When the board are admitting that the amount they have cut is now costing the company business, due to customers no longer having faith, that the items posted will be delivered, then that very clearly says that a cut in workforce hasn't worked.
What would you suggest Red?
Quality of service is most important thing going forward.Union and the board agree on this. The managers are asking how will this happen when the board won't allow recruitment . Good to hear the board and senior management, acknowledge that for the 2nd revision in a row, it hasn't worked very well. Maybe it's time some heads rolled. Confirmed
Siso is still under discussion. Traffic to Siso hours is a tool that senior management would love to use. It would allow them to cut more hours , whilst ignoring indoor workloads. One region has a manager that has offices meeting targets after cuts, so is now comparing workloads to siso , without agreement from DO managers or CWU reps.
That's the problem JB, the managers are being forced to break the assurances all the time by Regional managers/directors. Now these orders are either coming from Grant Mcpherson , or they are going rogue. There doesn't seem to be any consistency from one Regional manager to the next.
Whether its the way they are interpreting orders or not is another question. The one thing the DO managers can agree on is that , as they are pushed for more and more savings , the company fails more and more deliveries . There isn't a single office that isn't failing deliveries and many are pretending they are meeting the USO by taking 1 loop off each delivery and reporting they have met the USO. There are areas I know of that are getting a delivery once every 9 or 10 days and they are even struggling to deliver tracked and specials daily. We are still prioritising parcels over letters , even though Thompson, Mcpherson and Williams swore under oath they weren't doing and if they were it was an odd rogue office. It seems every office must have gone rogue.
JB , Oli , It was a regional call, CWU are looking for the joint manager reps call for next week and then ballot to follow. I think the CWU are worried that if they don't get assurances about Revisions then they won't get a yes vote, which a number of managers agreed with.
Just been on a conference call and , seems a few sticking points yet , regarding not meeting USO and false declaring from managers regarding meeting the USO. Also length of time to look at failing revisions.
Some good news is that our premium product Special Delivery items is up over 10% year on year and up over 60% on 3 years ago.
Course you didn't Anger, just like you didn't mention how great Thompson was for months , before it became embarrassing for you as everyone else had realised how useless he was, yet you hadn't. The reason you know how high Kretinsky bought shares at , is because you did the same. The master investor
Anger you still bleating on about losing jobs. Same old record for the last year , yet still not one redundancy. You need to worry more about your investment going down the drain. Can't wait for your next long boring post about how you love to wind posties up with Thompson comments. Dream dream dream.
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