Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
Fu#k me,I actually agree with you for once.Nobody in the west and in paticular the N. Europeans don't care,it hasn't hit us yet.Wait until it does,blind panic and more news coverage and an accelerating sp.Just my opinion
All shareholders bombard the company with messages as to what they are doing to secure contracts.Sit back and do nothing the board will do nothing(from past experience).Hound them.Wuff.
What you have to remember is that a lot of people got COVIDand still went into work and socialised .With mpox you develop nastylooking lesions,which will restrict your mobility(du e to shame).This will scare people and employers(no hiding place)so people at the slightest symptoms will want to avoid this.Hence being scared into a test straight away.
who stating that mpox(+variants) are no t the new covid.who do they know,they were **** with their covid predictions and were caught on the hop.smacks of who not wanting to spread fear and hysteria.we will see.
Prof. Jimmy Whitworth has just stated on BBC News that they are not sure if the current mpox vaccines will be effective against the claid 1b strain.Moreover,the vaccine suppliers will only be able to provide 3million doses by the end of the year and 10million by the end of next year ,which is slow considering the speed of its spread at the moment.This epidemic has got legs and will be around for some time
All immigrants from the African continent will have to be tested if the disease starts to spread,particularly the boat scum.Imagine the chaos if a few cases get through and end up on a barge,where they spread it.Absolute panic.Imagine the cost to a beleagured NHS.The cost of quarantine of proven cases alone will cost a fortune.The fact that the boat lot ditch their passports/papers making identification of where they originate impossible.A perfect storm in the making
I am referring to when it gets to pre pandemic levels.Start the groundwork now and be ready if and when it happens.WHO expect another pandemic at some stage.Monkeypox is passed by human contact....disaster waiting to happen.
Any excitement in terms of the sp will be sold into.Forget these wild sp predictions,there are too many in this share with their fingers on the sell button.God help us if we hit a duster,straight below the IPO price,with no chance of getting out.
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