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Videos show Russian Georgian dream party supporters going in and pushing hundreds of votes into ballot boxes. Violence and corruption. Going to be hard to win this with such corruption by Russia
Firstly thanks to all who kept this board alive whilst this saga went on and on. The sleuths like Looed who strived to keep us in the loop.
This seems like a everyone loses scenario, us the shareholders, SN, Hope, other creditors and even the liquidators. At first glance the owner winners seem to be Georgian Govt, who have a valuable asset to sell and also will not lose that huge tax relief that was built up with FRR.
Its hard to understand, why, if a plan by SN was offered that gave a chance of everyone getting money back, why it would be turned down. Personally i do not see that being likely. So i question if a deal was ever offered. It could be that SN needed some guarantee from Georgian govt so with restart of production the business would have a longterm contract which makes it saleable. Did Georgia cause this on purpose so that it made it dificult for SN to risk more money.
Now i have been involved in enough corrupt aim companies to know that we may have been done over like kippers. lets see what happens with our block in next few years, who picks it up, who is involved. We will know if Hope and SN have stollen it from us or if Georgian govt forced the end by being awkward.
So as i said at the start, if our block was a valuable as suggested, no one would walk away without it for the sake of a few million. Its not in anyones interest. Even liquidators job is to evaluate best chance of getting as much money back. So for me this comes down to SN not offering the option of starting back up and selling it to a major. So question is why with the two main options discussed above.
If they think we all just walk away and forget , they may have a surprise as i for one will watch who gets what over in Georgia
Well , after doing over 34 years in fire service i have retired now. i thought this would be part of my nest egg but retirement came first. Strangely this is not completely dead. i have no idea how much of a chance i have of getting my money back or from becoming rich from this. Is it a 1% chance or 80% chance? All i actually know is its still a chance, as against all the odds it still has a heart beat. I have had harsh words with some on here and made friends at shareholder meetings with others. We all had same dream and we are all in the same boat. So what ever part you played, a vocal debate or sharing a few pints can i just say thanks. Good luck all !!
Not looking for rose tinted answers. Just with you having direct contact ( at least previously) i am looking to see the thoughts you have.
if your still in contact if you are being lead to believe that a way out for us is likely or not. if you feel all is lost. Only you know if that contact remains or if you were dropped and left out in the cold.
Alot of people were believing the lights were still on with the details coming through, that they were fighting for all shareholders including us. Was that rose tinted glasses or was it real then, if so is it same now.
Now again the fact GOGC would maintain the fields without FRR is quite interesting, As it comes back to the question if all creditors need the deal to have any chance of maintaining a chance of recovering money. That for me is the big question here, thats the one i hope someone is in contact with you still and what they are fighting for.
The way i see it is, Right now with liquidation, its a deal with all, or GOGC get the lot. That would mean Steven hope etc getting nothing and at risk of liquidation himself. FRR have no assets as such.
To people like myself, the obvious answer for all, is to do what i said previously. Get Deloite to put hold on administration. get all parties to agree and prove the site and sell it.
Now without us that slice of pie will go alot further with just the big boys fighting over it, SN, SH and lawyers. ( Few US Senators too i expect)
No one on here can expect you to share your sources or any critical information. I do not expect that.
Would be nice to know if communication channel is still open and if the company thinking is aligned with what we need.
This has cost another £1000 from me since delisting in barclays fees, i am to scared to close the account until the lights truly go out.
What are your plans, if this does not go as we hope, walk away and do nothing or are you collecting any evidence for a possible case? I lost alot here, but nothing i was relying on. others lost much more. We know of at least one con man involved (Zaza) .
We are all still here, me, you and many i met on the way. Are we all just happy clappers, sore losers or hWeopeful idiots?
We must be waiting for something?
Thanks Looed
What is your expectations going forward. No Assets so surely FRR getting back in and selling to another must be a open option?
I get what your saying about Zaza, your right. My point is more that i think although it puts us where we are its not something currently holding us back.
A cause rather than symptom
Do you see a way back from here, not just for SN but for us shareholders?
To be honest Looed, im not sure what i am looking for. Perhaps just a straw to clutch on too.
Like yourself and others here, this even paying back what i put in would help, now from where i was on this, thats a huge drop in expectation.
What is interesting (worrying for me) is your bit here "so it makes sense the GG might allow wiggle room for the Liquidation / Creditor Committee to put together a palatable restructuring deal that satisfies the GG and the majority of creditors. "
Is that more likely than a deal with FRR to keep trading and to get through this? That its shared by creditors and i assume we are not included.
If that is your thought, what about the " key"? The data we hold that identifies the method to extract the resource. Is that something of a bargaining tool or just a red herring?
In your opinion do they need us (FRR) or are they better off without us.
You were until recently, hopeful of a positive result? Not sure if you have had any formal or informal conversations with FRR but what is your honest thoughts about us?
Tsbs1 Nothing wrong with the phase and i believe its as true today as it ever was, the question really is who gets to open the box and hold the prize. I think all this shows something was there and would profit shareholders, the others have been fighting over it. Just because we do not get the prise does not mean its not there. Read about TXO for similar.
I am retired and looking for a job to make ends meet. So its a sad state for me.
Any new investors reading this, every company i invested in on aim shafted investors. GKP, TXO, SRSP, VOG and possibly FRR. Until the UK authorities regulate the aim market better its more risky than horse racing bets. A sess pit of corruption and greed. We all know that Aim is a market of start ups and risk, but its been more than a fair risk with many of those companies. Theft and corruption by management who steal money and close a company as millionaires. Be aware
Not sure if Looed wants to or can comment on these questions, or anyone else.
We suppose that the gas and oil is large enough to be worth a fight to keep it, in fact i coined the phrase here that many still use "you do not fight over an empty box"
However gas reached record heights over last 3 years, the world looks at decarbonisation and Europe has been searching for energy to replace Russian gas.
Obviously the lawyers make more money the longer this goes on.
For everyone else, they are surely missing an opportunity.
Lets start with Georgia, a Country that mainly transits gas from Shah Deniz. This could be a huge income for them if the numbers were anywhere near real. Others would want to know how to fit the key to unlock the hydrocarbons and start exploration in other key areas of Georgia, including offshore.
Then Hope, the company has given money to FRR to prove the asset with intention to hugely profit from it. It is well known that there was a takeover attempt years ago. Now that money is either lost or not actually increasing. I would suggest that legal fees etc are mounting up. Liquidation for him must close.
For SN, FRR and us, well its a wait, again legal costs mount up, licence expiry risk increases, and we are in liquidation process. Its been said many times that its in everyones interest to get a deal done ad to quickly prove concept and sell to a major. Thats a win for all. Lawyers too as surely a risk they do not get paid if this fails.
Am i missing something here. I do not mean Zaza as thats a side show.
The glimmer of light that keeps me here is the fact that either we all win or we all lose.
Comments really appreciated as i am now RETIRED so a little impatient and desperate now.
Has anything occured near Georgia?
Forte 12 is close to the coast, watching and listening.
Its often over the Black Sea, but normally South of Sebastopol.
Its not normally this far East and doing circles off coast of Georgia
Its either listening with electronic surveillance for some reason or watching something off the coast out at sea (Russian ships possibly) Anything known to be going on?
Thanks Monty
so Liquidators are doing what exactly
Looking for any assets, which are basically limited to a PSA we had. So are they looking to get it back to sell on, or are they looking at it getting reinstated, reversing liquidation and setting a deal to recover money with a payment plan?
None of this is normal!
Do people still belive we will get our cash back or more. Is that still on the cards, if so how?
I feel that it's all gone and I wonder why there was the fight to survive.
It looks like current govt are playing their cards out by backing who looks strongest in the Region.
As Russia starts to gain strength due to firstly, the delays in funds from USA and the slowly diminishing effects of sanctions, Countries have a choice. Either like Belarus, become a strong partner and Friend, or risk the same as Ukraine. The possibility of Trump being back in Whitehouse at end of the year is also a risk. If he does the assistance to Ukraine will be just Europe. NATO could become watered down and Russia push thru Ukraine with ease and beyond if it risk assesses that Poland etc will be alone and weak. Georgia does not even have the benefit of NATO protection. You can guarantee that many politicians in Georgia have alliance with Russia due to historic allegiance. The people, especially the younger people smell the freedom, they want to look West. What happens with Worldwide political events is crucial for Ukraine and that then for Georgia. A huge hydrocarbon transit route to Europe and possibly a new source that challenges Russias previous dominance. Russia will do anything to hold Georgia on its side. That is the interference being seen today, the positive is that the younger West facing crowd grows each year and the older Soviet loving demographic gets smaller each year . A race to secure Georgia is on.Does this effect us? Well if we do come out of the liquidation as a operational company then yes it will. So on that note, do i assume reading posts, that many believe Deloitte will see nothing of value as the company is today, that only way to get any money due, is to help them to continue to produce and eventually sell our working block? Can i ask, could Deloitte be trying to gain control of the block to sell its self to another company to gain some financial renunciation, i mean they could sell at a fraction of the value if thats the case and walk away with what was owed them and a few others. So my question is, is the block only available to FRR as a current company, or could Georgia release it to a insolvent FRR to be sold by Deloite
Just like in a magic trick we were left watching the wrong hand. The trick carried out as we were lead to watch and believe what they wanted us to believe. If FRR had the value we been told, then no way did they lose it over a few million dollars. However I would suggest we did.
That's what I believe now and been saying for a year.
Seems that its not just the Easter eggs that are hollow this year
I tried to reach out a week before trying to find out if you had a legal background or were anything to do with the company.
You know that as you shot me down for that too. Whether FRR gives anything back to shareholders has already been decided. Whether people know of the latest court case saga or not will not change the outcome. If there is huge resources SN will fight for it and get the money to save it. If SN and hope want to share the spoils with us then they will, if not then they will find a way to keep for themselves.
The info i had would help those who have ability to check what value we actually have. How much is talk and how much is proved.
Zaza appears to have misplaced the truth on a lot of stuff. The pdf's with the shareholder meeting voice recording was a useful tool to put that pieces of the puzzle together.
If over a week ago you had been more forthcoming, rather than obnoxious. I would have known if there was any danger was in that recording ( Something thats been open for download for 5 years. )
I was obviously being over cautious, by asking you .
Dark secrets referred to YA preselling our shares and getting payments. FFS its not really a dark secret is it? Everyone here knows it happened and talked about.
The issue is, the fact Zaza said it - would that be an issue? Thats all you needed to answer yes or no.
I was also happy for you or anyone else to look at it just in case something in that meeting could cause issues.
As for your comment suggesting the company would find me rather than you, for what? The only things i have is paperwork provided by FRR and a recording of a shareholder meeting with info from the head of the company at the time - Zaza. Legitimate.
Lifeishard any information from the past could be damaging to the company. Anything they ever published. Anything they ever said. If it can be proved it was said that is.
All Looed had to do was ask for access and just check nothing in there. I tried my best to highlight that i need someone with a legal or company background just to check it before reopening the link. If someone better qualified they could too. Looed appeared to have contact with someone in FRR so he could even have shared link with them and asked me to open it for them.
i reiterate this was not shared this week, it was shared and remained open for 5 years. It was linked and restricted this week when i noticed still open and after Looed reported about YA payments not being done. The link is protected from download , but not for last 5 years. If what Zaza said in that meeting was fact then that recording is 100% safe for anyone. What i can not tell is if its fact or not. Is it a dark secret ya could use
When i first tried to find out, politely your connection - you were rude - fact
If you attended that meeting you could say now if its dangerous or not as people still try to download now. is there a reason to stop them? Thats all i wanted to know. I doubt it
Although i think what i do of looed, and i am absolutely fuming with him/ her
here are facts
He/ she appeared on here 2019 and said not posted here before.
However did join the shareholder group and did take part in running the financing of the translation services that allowed us to gain info on recordings etc.
So i would suggest that he/she is a shareholder but somehow has direct communications with company.
That has not always been the case as tried contacting Zaza early on with little success.
I think that we will find that Looed is real and probably genuine, so although i feel he is a right xxxxx for way he spoke to me and in my opinion an idiot for not seeing that i was asking questions to ensure we protect the company regarding the already open file sharing, i believe that he is probably your best option for future information.
Ironically i think those files may have been of best use to our sleuths.
Anyway i have no time for Looed now, but to remain open and honest. having gone thru his history, although at times its strange as in different to most shareholders on LSE, it appears that he is genuine.
I would leave him alone now and not let my post open a can of worms as he may be your best hope for next few months.
My files are there and kept in case we need them in future.
Open and honest guys, is the only way. Enough smoke and mirrors with the company
Its not that Coggy, but by threatening my identity and address he is threatening my children who live here. I will not be threatened by anyone. I have probably seen and done things that he could not imagine in his worst nightmare. 35 years of seeing the unseeable so i am not scared of much these days. I have nearly died 3 times and get respected for what i have done in the real world. You know that i share all my FRR stuff and have for years. A few of us having a few pints at the meetings and then sharing with those who could not attend. Nothing sinister and if i am honest i found the other shareholders really pleasant people. All sharing info with a common goal. No smoke and mirrors with me. I told Looed early this week when i first wanted someone to look at mp3, that he did not need to share info about himself. I asked in case he wanted to share, in an open way. No accusations, no nastiness or games. I asked openly, if he wanted to share. My files were shared years ago when company was trading. The links were in my chat files and anyone had access. I realised that last weekend when adding files for a charity even for sharing. So i decided to try to contact Looed, as i personally think he either is connected to FRR or is on a intimate communication line to them. I just wanted him to check the meeting audio to ensure nothing bad in it. I mean we all heard it for real and most listened to recording back at the time and appreciated it. Its no smoking gun!!! Could YA use something, i am not 100% sure. Just as in 2019 Looed posted that he was unsure if something was even 1% accurate that he posted and shared. So even our astute looed is not always playing on a playing field that may or may not cause issues for FRR. I stopped the recording from being downloaded so that it could no longer be shared by others i also blocked my link so the whole folder could only be accessed by people who sent details who they are. Is there any thing that would be used in court against the company? God knows. access to old material which we could jointly use to investigate the likelihood of FRR being sold and having value we all hope for, is now blocked just because one person decided not to listen to it and decide if okay to share or best not too. I suspect it would be fine but did the prudent thing in trying to get a person who appears to have direct contact with FRR, to say for sure. That link has been shared openly for over 5 years and all i have done is requested it to be checked . 300 times that was accessed the week after the meeting alone. People here have requested access in last 24 hours but right now i am not sure if i can or not. Im not going to turn green Coggy, but at least now i know that my family are at risk due to looed rather than wondering if they are. I now know that my details are out there rather than guessing
I am no longer posting here after this
Few really thick people on here - i was asking you in case it was damming - fool
After trying to contact you before posting the link that was available to all shareholders before, i wanted just to check with you if re-sharing info again was wrong time. Is what Zaza saying in a meeting Damming in any way? I doubt it but thought id ask you first. You shot me down instead. I then ensured only people who i knew were genuine shareholders were able to get the info, the link only works if include their email.
So no one had access openly, but instead of coming here saying something normal such as " Best not to share it at this time just in case" you come on with threats.
Now, many people on here, know me. They met me when i attended the meetings and on behalf of shareholders i attended and recorded for those unable to attend. That is the extent of your smoking gun.
I have always been open and honest. Not hiding my identity behind a keyboard.
Your obviously not as bright as some on here think you are, no one was purposely giving information out to hurt the company.
I will say it again so your stupidity and huge ego can take it in.
It is all information that has been in public domain and seen or heard by shareholders previously.
Unfortunately - i gave you too much credability and decided to check with you incase anything YA etc could use. The plan was for you to check it first. Just to make sure as i believed your either involved in company or in direct communication. But your big EGO got in the way again. Your really are quite thick. I think your a wolf in sheeps clothing. The last person who acted as the friend bringing communication from the company turned out to be a con man. Or so we are led to believe at this stage. Just so you can see just how stupid you are, i am sure you have checked the link yourself. Did you get access? I am absolutely fuming that you have made out that i intended harm to the company. I am even more angry that it was you i was reaching out to before releasing anything, to get your thoughts. Did you attend any shareholder meetings, as i attended all and can not place you. You came on here after the company delisted.
As for giving out my name and address
Don't you ever threaten me you prick. Who the hell do you think you are. You may be a bully but come and try bullying me. You picked the wrong guy
Colin Pritchard from Cardiff - i am not hiding my identity from anyone. Your threat is now neutralised. I am a genuine shareholder who has attempted to help other shareholders since invested in 2014. Next time i ask someone to check if anything in my files that needs checking before release, i will chose someone with more than one brain cell. People hope they can trust you and your the last straw they clutch too. Perhaps it would be nice to let them know who you are?
Im sorry you took my post wrong
I did say i respect if you do not want to answer
I am just open and honest so i ask the question in an open honest way, no sly questions to try to work or catch someone out. i wondered something so i asked it? as far as i am concerned that is the correct way to do things.
You have done a lot and found a lot out and i can only speak for us on here, but i believe for the company too.
Many shareholders are left holding the straws and some had big money invested. As a shareholder and with the prospect of losing all their cash that leads them looking for glimmers of light. We do not want to get too excited and the only information we get is from you. We have nothing from those who should be informing us - like SN. Your probably a topic of conversation because of what you have done for us, but people are nervous. i would suggest if this comes good, and we all meet up for a drink you will be the most popular person and have a line of drinks at the bar.
I am nervous as i started the phrase " you do not fight over an empty box" what if i am wrong? Did i inadvertently push people one way or another. i trusted Zaza too.
keep up the good work, but i hope you appreciate honest open questions rather than sly comments. I always think upfront is best.
I have complete confidence that you are genuine and keeping us informed.
Can i be up front and open, by asking are you a normal shareholder or if you have had or do have a connection with the company other than just holding shares.. I respect fully if you come back and say you have no need to answer or do not wish too. I just think it makes some sense if you have a direct connection somehow. I certainly want to keep this door open.
What is your thoughts if Frr is waiting for a deal to come in to enable them to pay off debts? My worry is that it is a very weak pathway and has many pitfalls? What is your thoughts on a deal with a major 1. imminent (3 months) 2. soon ( 3 to 6 months or 3. one day, (6 months too 6 years) with your insights are we looking at a positive end game or are we as far away as we were on day we delisted?
We all know Russia has had its influence in Georgia and this has also held us back and in my opinion the offers of a JV
or buyout.
Just when that looks likely to be less of influence, due to unpopular Ukraine war, we get Azerbaijan and Armenia playing up. I suspect this is linked to Russia in the back ground.
This could be a nothing issue or have widespread regional instability.
I would like to see FRR done and dusted and money in my account as this world is seriously messed up.
Remember , YA helped to slow the progress of the company.
Forward selling etc. They lend money and then they are like a greed fed monster looking to not only get their money back but absolutely smash profits by forward selling and even shorting stock. So they lend money to start a company but will effectively destroy that company if they can profit from it.
i think they will get something back if they are patient and let the company get back to doing business, What they are doing is slowing the start back date and so slowing payback date for all.
I suspect like hope was originally, they would like to take the asset and make millions for their investors.
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