ECR Minerals PLC - mining company focused on Australian gold projects - Notes "significant progress" across portfolio. Says samples of up to 75.6 grammes per tonne, 1.32 g/t, and 1.29 g/t of gold found at Uncle Terry Prospect in Lolworth, Queensland. Says samples found in new mineralised quartz vein about 400 meters northwest of main prospect. Adds follow-up mapping traces "visible part of this outcrop for at least 100 meters in strike and ending in a quartz blow where Galena (Lead-Silver) is clearly visible". Further, says several mineralised quartz shears at least 1 meter wide have been mapped at the prospect, of which, the mean shear zone has shown lead and silver with best rock chips of 1.89% lead and 11 samples greater than 5 grammes per tonnes of silver, of which includes 272 g/t and 69 g/t silver. Says is conducting soil sampling to look for hidden gold bearing outcrops in the area.
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