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Pin to quick picksOxford Instruments Directors Deals (OXIG)

Share Price Information for Oxford Instruments (OXIG)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 2,035.00
Bid: 2,025.00
Ask: 2,035.00
Change: 25.00 (1.24%)
Spread: 10.00 (0.494%)
Open: 2,045.00
High: 2,045.00
Low: 2,005.00
Prev. Close: 2,010.00

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Directors Deals for Oxford Instruments (OXIG)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
13-Jan-2510-Jan-25Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--12,894,832
13-Jan-2510-Jan-25Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--145,329
13-Jan-2510-Jan-25BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,001.49GBX72,894,832
13-Jan-2510-Jan-25BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,001.49GBX845,329
12-Dec-2410-Dec-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--245,320
12-Dec-2410-Dec-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--22,894,824
12-Dec-2410-Dec-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,095.02GBX82,894,824
12-Dec-2410-Dec-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,095.02GBX745,320
12-Nov-2411-Nov-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--12,894,814
12-Nov-2411-Nov-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--145,311
12-Nov-2411-Nov-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,122.45GBX745,311
12-Nov-2411-Nov-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,122.45GBX72,894,814
14-Oct-2410-Oct-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill1,996.44GBX745,303
14-Oct-2410-Oct-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--145,303
14-Oct-2410-Oct-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson1,996.44GBX72,894,805
14-Oct-2410-Oct-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--22,894,805
11-Sep-2410-Sep-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,184.16GBX745,288
11-Sep-2410-Sep-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,184.16GBX72,894,796
11-Sep-2410-Sep-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--245,288
11-Sep-2410-Sep-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--12,894,796
14-Aug-2412-Aug-24Exercise of OptionGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--28,07145,279
14-Aug-2412-Aug-24SellGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,288.63GBX28,07145,279
12-Aug-2412-Aug-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,413.36GBX145,279
12-Aug-2412-Aug-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,413.36GBX745,279
12-Aug-2412-Aug-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,313.36GBX65,834
12-Aug-2412-Aug-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--15,834
09-Aug-2407-Aug-24SellGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,273.86GBX25,00045,257
09-Aug-2407-Aug-24Exercise of OptionGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--25,00045,257
25-Jul-2424-Jul-24BuyRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson2,420.23GBX5,8215,821
25-Jul-2424-Jul-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,420.23GBX2,62845,257
12-Jul-2410-Jul-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,629
12-Jul-2410-Jul-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,494.01GBX642,629
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,490.07GBX642,622
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--242,622
13-May-2410-May-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,421.30GBX642,614
13-May-2410-May-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,614
11-Apr-2410-Apr-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,117.95GBX742,607
11-Apr-2410-Apr-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,607
20-Mar-2418-Mar-24Transfer FromRichard Tyson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Richard Tyson--13,521-
12-Mar-2411-Mar-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--242,599
12-Mar-2411-Mar-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,194.83GBX742,599
12-Feb-2412-Feb-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,590
12-Feb-2412-Feb-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,178.28GBX742,590
11-Jan-2410-Jan-24Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,582
11-Jan-2410-Jan-24BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,280.28GBX642,582
12-Dec-2311-Dec-23BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill2,149.00GBX742,574
12-Dec-2311-Dec-23Transfer FromGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--242,574
15-Nov-2314-Nov-23BuyNeil A P Carson held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Neil A P Carson2,020.72GBX16,00040,000
13-Nov-2310-Nov-23BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill--142,565
13-Nov-2310-Nov-23BuyGavin Hill held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Gavin Hill1,923.75GBX842,565

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