Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
2024 Precious Metals Summit Beaver Creek Resort
September 10–13, 2024 | Beaver Creek Resort
The Precious Metals Summit Beaver Creek is the world’s premier independent investment conference focused on explorers, developers and emerging producers of gold, silver and platinum group metals.
This by-invitation-only event will bring together institutional investors, sell-side representatives and corporate executives from senior precious metals companies with management teams of close to 200 carefully selected, highly prospective issuers representing the world’s mining and mineral exploration sectors.
Any luck please on the source of this data?
Could I please ask the source of this data. Many thanks.
"Official prices for a non developed mine" - "Project in DFS only"
Paid prices per OZ Resources for African Gold Mines:
2021 - 26$ oz
2022 - 41$ oz
2023 - 53$ oz
2024 - 124$ oz
Could I please ask the source of this data. Many thanks.
"Official prices for a non developed mine" - "Project in DFS only"
Paid prices per OZ Resources for African Gold Mines:
2021 - 26$ oz
2022 - 41$ oz
2023 - 53$ oz
2024 - 124$ oz
Thanks Gold_Investor
Very positive stuff.
Steve and Zak made an update including HUM.
Steve more from an value event point of you and ZAk from a charting point. Both saying … this goes up
Cover MIN 20-25
Zak Mir & Steve Deacon talk about Hummingbird and the potential sale of Pasofina and the very positive implications for HUM's balance sheet. News by end of September?
Hummingbird holds a 53% interest in Pasofino.
"Pasofino notes that it continues to engage with interested parties in the completion of their confirmatory due diligence and structuring to enable Pasofino and a third party to enter into a letter of intent/exclusivity agreement by the end of Q3-2024, and thereafter the intention is to enter into a definitive acquisition agreement in Q4-2024.
The intention is to finalise a definitive acquisition agreement by Q4 2024, pending the outcome of these evolving discussions."
Hummingbird at Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit 10th - 13th September.
abdullah al-omari phd scientist, immune-onclogy, scancell
on behalf of scancell ltd, i am happy to share that i will present modi-2 vaccine as a promising therapy for solid tumours today at the immuno-oncology summit 2024, therapeutic cancer vaccines program in philadelphia, usa.
modi-2 vaccine targets ****citrullinated epitopes derived from aldolase a, grp78 (bip), cytokeratin 8 as well as vimentin proteins and stimulate cd4 t cell responses which mediate potent tumour therapy in different mouse models.
I've contacted BBC 5 Live by phone & email suggesting Prof Lindy Durrant might like to offer herself to be interviewed as I thought many of the answers given were rather "motherhood". I also sent an email to Scancell to make sure they are aware of the interview.
Upcoming milestones for Western Tethyan Resources (WTR) according to the latest August 2024 Corporate Presentation:
1. Slivova - exploration & Infill drill programs in 2024
2. Slivova - Environmental & social Baseline ongoing
3. Slivova - Pre Feasibility Study by end of 2024.
4. Hertica ongoing drilling program (3rd hole - 1500m deep planned to target porphyry potential at depth) but signalling completion this year.
5. Regional BLEG program completion for Kosovo & North Macedonia - submit first licence application.
6. One licence application in Bulgaria - more to follow.Planning to acquire thirds-party projects through earn-in type deals.
7. Assessing several other exploration opportunities, targeting major gold-copper deposits across porphyry-epithermal transition. Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, during 2024
8. Historical data purchase & Newmont data review ongoing.
9. Co. intends to IPO in the future.
All lot going on and presumably the market has taken no account of this or the value creation. Our Brokers haven't probably fully evaluated this assets & programmes either.
We need to keep a watch on Mentor. He seems to be a man on a mission creating at last a Co. with real attitude. I still believe he should be on the Board of AAU.
What Conferences are we involved with in September?
This seems a big one.
Hi John
Bit like you why cover Production numbers with a simplification in the structure?
But with the same reasoning I'm pleased they have left full details of Tavsan and indeed Salinbas for hopefully their own RNS's. "Significant progress" is all we need in this RNS in my opinion. I'm still hopeful Tavsan will be in standalone production by year end.
As to the "structure" I have posted my thoughts on ADVFN under "Plasybryn".
I think this RNS suggests production numbers will be H2 weighted with "Guidance" expected to be achieved or exceeded. But as you say "typical Ariana of recent years, obfuscation".
With a decreasing AISC ($1300/$1400) and solid production output (345,000/365,000 ozs pa) at these gold prices ($2500) RSG is a massive cash cow - No?
Profit per oz $1100 plus = ÂŁ845 ($2500 - $1400) times say 350,000 ozs = c. ÂŁ300m!!
Plus A$20 million to be paid to Resolute no later than 30 September 2024.
"These payments, along with strong cash generation from our operations, will further bolster our liquidity position and balance sheet in H2."
In tandem, we have favourably amended the A$50 million Vendor Financing Promissory Note with the coupon being increased from 6% to 12% from 30 June 2025 until maturity at the end of 2027, providing further potential cash to Resolute.
Mr Terence Holohan, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Anyone disagree?
Exploration Update due by end Q3 as well.
Is the Half Yearly Report due this week?
Group Exploration update & webcast planned I believe for Q3
Do you think they will seriously consider a dividend soon given cash generation?
Who is the "expert" on this share??
This link seems to take you directly to the talked about slide. Brilliant.
Needs to be in our Heading and high profile (easy to find) on the Scancell Web Site in my opinion.
Let the world see it and take it in.
My post this evening on ADVFN. Might be of interest.
The Board changes to Scancell over the last few years have been quite amazing and must tell you something.
In roughly reverse order:-
1. Dr Alan Lewis stands down and Susan Clement Davies appointed NED
2. Dr. Robert Miller appt. Medical Director
3. Dr. Gillies O'Bryan -Tear appt. Chief Medical Officer
4. Prof. Lindy Durrant appointed CEO
5. Dr Jean Michel Cossery appt. Non Executive Chairman
6. Dr. Sally Adams retires as CDO.
7. Change of Auditors to RSM UK Audit LLP
8. Change of NOMAD to Panmure Gordon
9. Dr. Florian Reinaud appt. to Board
10. Dr. Mandeep Sehmi appointed Head of Business Development
11. Dr Callum Scott appt. Head of Development
12. Seth Nirmalananthan appt. CFO
13. Dr. Nermeen Varawalla appt. Chief Medical Officer
The Co. must have changed out of all recognition in the last couple of years. As Commercialisation gets every closer the level of expertise has increased immeasurably and all hats off the Prof Lindy Durrant allowing this to happen to her baby.
I would like to know if all these new appointments have shown their confidence by buying shares in Scancell with their hard earned cash.
Sorry to hear that John.
Hope it is all under control.
No doubt others in your family have to be tested for the gene and then take extra care to monitor themselves.
I agree it is annoying not to see the actual number of votes published. I wonder if that is allowed?
Apparently 2 shareholders turned up, but then putting the time back to 10.30 made it difficult & expensive for most to attend. Done on purpose no doubt!!
All the very best to you. We have all got to hope for the best from Zimbabwe now. Let's just hope it doesn't take too long. Age isn't on our side. The dual listing will lose us our IHT exemption which is also annoying.
Great stuff Chester/Marcus etc!!
The following info. is according to the Co's Web site. I'm a novice but been invested here 5+ years!!
Aren't these three the most important short term in respect of value creation?
Modi-1 in clinical trials (TNBC, Ovarian, renal & Head & Neck)
SCIB1 - in clinical trials (metastatic melanoma)
Covidity - in Clinical trials
iSCIB1 + ISCIB2 (multiple tumours) - Preclinical stage
Modi-2 (multiple solid tumours) - preclinical stage
Then there is the Antibodies
SC129 (Pancreatic Cancer) and SC134 ( small cell lung cancer) & SC88 (Colorectal cancer)
at PreClinical stage
SC27 (Gastric Cancer) at Functional Analysis stage
Glymab T cell Targeting - SC2811 (Multiple Solid tumours) at Functional Analysis stage
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