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Posted in: WIZZ
Posts: 215
Price: 1,282.00
Trimmed HALF Clarence. If I can find a hat I'll eat it if YOUR even close to right TWICE in a day 😃
Price: 1,279.00
Strong Buy
Clarence, You called 10 % this morning. GREAT call
Posted in: EVOK
Price: 60.00
Unexpected but welcome opportunity to lower my average. Buying at this price, plenty of skin in the game from the board which is always a positive sign and a hefty TO offer turned down not that long ago.
Posted in: SFOR
Price: 47.80
Time for shorters to see the light at the end of the tunnel and buy to hold. Oversold/Manipulated share this one, followed for a while but now have skin in the game with a double up if it falls 5%. GLA
Posted in: RNK
Price: 76.60
Right. Starting to make sense and fine tuning my own approach, not comfortable with too many buys and sells but 3 then one 50% sell and plough back in on retrace. Sounds workable. Have a Great holiday Mary xxx
Price: 77.80
Spread down to 3 % You trimming some Mary. Not for me but I buy a core plus 2 top ups of the same amount, so only 2 sells as want to keep the core.
JG Just looked ? But such a tiny amount, even x 15 times I'm holding way more and my trades don't have any effect. Never understand multiple small trades by the same person. Surely software is in place by now to focus on £s not volume of sales ?
Price: 77.00
Crazy Spread Sell 76p Buy 79.40p I don't want to do either, increased my holding yesterday but NOT encouraging for a buyer. 5 % spread ? Accumulating by MMs perhaps ? Rnk always has a big spread till later in the day but 5 %
Posted in: AML
Price: 156.00
C2 Gamble Paid Off 😃
Price: 1,209.00
Gary, Sure I followed your reasoning a few months back, sold a share prior to it plummeting!!! Good to be on a more positive ride this time, hopefully! TBF I've gone all in, 10% of portfolio.
Price: 1,195.00
Given up trying to buy the absolute bottom but do love a bargain! And Wizz is a bargain. Bought yesterday ouch!!! doubled holding today. This has got to be oversold. Happy to hold. DYOR GLA
Price: 144.20
C I did indeed buy at the lower levels, YEP sold them too. Very Happy indeed to double up at today's price. As for "working capital left" ENOUGH
Posted in: ZOO
Price: 47.50
Grateful for today's turnaround. Slow and steady suits me just fine. Great future with a few confirmed orders hopefully in the September TU. Recovery stock Recovering
Price: 143.30
Although I wouldn't call myself a "DAY TRADER" I do enjoy a quick trade, I mean who doesn't ?. Personally I like to double up / trade around a core holding and AML have dropped into my BUY zone. Doubled up 😊 Debts not great but working capital and future IS, excellent to say the least.
Posted in: MRO
Price: 475.10
Two Brookers Wrong ? Maybe! But probably NOT.
Price: 475.20
No Opinion
Win more then I lose day trading biggest fallers of the day after due diligence have decided to give MRO a miss for now. NO reason for the drop. So Brooker target re-grade seems most likely. Watching
Posted in: OTB
Price: 152.80
Been sitting on a large holding for quite some time now, surprised it’s under 170p Ryan Air tie in should help push things higher. Out of fashion stock, shame really. In profit so could trim but I’m going to hold out for a bit more. 160 +
Price: 52.50
Sold WG after a trading update introduced a 899m £ loss. Yep, from nowhere a £899 LOSS. And yet the share price holds firm ?. Sold my holding early doors at break even and bought in with ZOO. Been on my watch list for some time. Very happy with the entry point
Posted in: WG.
Price: 131.20
Once again I'm very confused. Plenty to like about the 6mth ly TU but 899m LOSS. Scary but perhaps priced in ? Map 900m currently Map 1.7bn at 230p 899 loss puts the share price to about where it is. I'm out but hey GLA
Price: 135.00
Newish share for me, lost a packet on PFC so dumped WG first thing. Got out at break even. VERY happy. Will buy in again if price settles lower. GLA
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