RE: Div tax exemption25 Sep 2024 11:26
Onward - I hesitate to provide you with further advice but, as a qualified accountant who has been qualified in 1967 and is still in practice as a consultant (tax), I might be able to be of further assistance.
I am not able to explain why you have been unable to obtain the form appropriately certified by HMRC. You might wish to check the address of the HMRC office to which the form was sent. If you sent the form to the wrong address, it is likely that it will have been "misplaced", if it was received at all. So many offices of HMRC have been shut and it mat well be they no longer receive mail.
Secondly, you comment that the "they claim not to offer this service". It is unclear to which "they" you are referring, HSBC Nom Com or the Irish Tax Authorities. If the latter have stated this to you, and in writing, just refer them to the Double Taxation Agreement they have with the UK. If you access the site which Greenon provided, it will take you to where you have to be. If it is the former, HSBC Nom Com, it may well be a service they do not provide unless you also retain them (HSBC) to deal with your personal tax affairs.
The HSBC Nom Com will hold the shares in a "pool" with other shareholders. You are not a registered shareholder. You are a beneficiary of the HSBC Nom Com. Hence, it will be the HSBC Nom Com that is the registered shareholder at Kenmare. That is for you to resolve with HSBC. Alternatively, transfer the shares into your personal name, perhaps a share ISA(?). You would thus become the registered holder of the shares and able to access the advantages provided by the Double Taxation Agreement.
I hope this helps.