Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
I see APTA is haunted by a little porker who has consistently proved to be a failure wherever he puts his money. As such, he now spends his days (and nights) trying to antagonise investors in shares where he would love to have the funds to invest. Hell hath no fury like a pig spurned!
This deranged poster, made a fortune elsewhere, before losing it all in a fly-by-night company (4D) which went to the wall. He promotes himself as some kind of financial guru yet in reality, as a stock picker he has proved extremely limited, illustrated by a history of catastrophic share failures. To be fair, not content with 4D, he has lost money in a host of other company’s too: NCYT, HE1, SNT, INSP, for example.
Given this inability to identify winners he then invariably resorted to ramping to try and manipulate the price. Unfortunately, although he can certainly produce the volume of posts, he lacks the finesse essential to the role of a successful ramper. That, and the fact he picked donkeys in the first place. Unfortunately, his historical incessant ramping has suckered in other investors to these joke companies and cost them dearly.
Porky is known to have developed an extreme allergy to profit. His trading has become legendary with many experienced stock-market traders following his investments and making massive gains shorting the companies in question. Mr Warren Buffet is alleged to have declared “This boy’s got talent. He can pick a donkey every-time. His consistency is unbelievable.”
Realising the money to be gained shorting he thought he’d have a go at it. At a recent conference, when asked if he had any investment tips, Porky replied “Yes. I have a sure-fire failure I am shorting. There is a low cap company, Aptamer, with a PhD professor as CEO who, aside from being a successful entrepreneur with 20 years’ experience, is a significant shareholder. The SP is currently near an all-time low, with low-cap profiteer Mark Slater and Lansdowne Partners recently joining the party”. At this point, sadly Porky suffered minor injuries as the stampeding hoard of reporters and attendees rushed to invest in the said company.
Sadly, our piglet friend is often misunderstood. His posts are sometimes wrongly seen in a negative light. However, Porky has already clarified his stance in this respect….
"I just can't abide negativity, can't stand it at any level. I can kind of get it if it’s to put off investors to try and get a cheaper price, I don't agree with the practice, but I get it." (POSTED BY PORKY - 30/10/21)
Confucius say: “Man who believes he is a pig .... is a swine”
I too took the opportunity of adding a few more today despite currently being significantly down on my main AIM venture. Adam H is a highly qualified professor and a successful entrepreneur in his own right. I would have loved him on the Board elsewhere but not to be. Nick S may have his critics but he generally backs winners and also has a bit of a following, particularly on Twitter who may also splash some cash. Finally, we now have Lansdowne joining the party. Any institution is a welcome addition, particularly a reputable one but it also puts shares in sticky fingers and less prone to day trading fluctuations.
Investing on AIM comes with its risks but also the potential for significant SP gains. Val now has a strong portfolio, top university tie-ups and an enviable scientific team working in state-of-the-art Inaphaea labs. A recent RNS confirmed potential contracts and we know at any time we could see an RNS confirming a motherlode with 401, CLX or even the toxic 201. More importantly, we have a management team of significant shareholders. They have as much incentive as any here to ensure the company is a success.
Mark, Adrian and Ray possess the business acumen and drive Val has always lacked, putting us in a stronger position than ever before. Few companies on AIM are managed by key SHs unless they have gained their shares thru’ free or discounted share awards. Our guys have paid full whack, just like normal hard-working Val shareholders.
In Martin Gouldstone, Val has a Chairman with 30 years experience in healthcare and pharma management. The recent appointment of Cathy as an Executive Director further strengthens the management team. Few AIM companies can boast such a strong line up. Previously Val had the science but didn’t know how to capitalise on its assets. Those days have gone.
Cash in the bank is the only unknown. That can change in an instant, One decent RNS and the cash runway is no longer an issue. Many, knowledgeable shareholders believe CLX001 to have the potential to propel Val into the big time. To get to that point we need to make the business viable and that will be the sole objective of the new management over the coming weeks and months.
Give our guys a chance to make their mark. The previous criticism of Val management having no skin in the game has been blown out of the water. Shareholders have achieved their objective with 3 key SHs in situ. Mark was only confirmed as CEO yesterday. Let’s give them the time to work their magic. I believe we might be pleasantly surprised.
When a child has a tantrum he carries on screaming and kicking long after the original cause has been resolved. Porky is that child. He has held such bitterness towards Val since losing his savings in 4D that he has forgotten it was his own stupidity that caused him to invest in such a joke company.
Initially, it was Suzy Dilly to blame but Porky is a little confused now she has moved on. It should be fun watching how he deals with Mark, Adrian and Ray, three key shareholders with considerable business nouse using their combined expertise to capitalise on Val’s undoubted science. Few AIM companies are driven by employees with such a keen financial interest in getting it right.
I believe they will.
Well ggplyr, I hope you didn't put tooo much money on it!
Good news everywhere on that update. Should see the SP start its climb back to more realistic levels.
Porky, such a comfort to know Val’s resident clown is watching and waiting!
We can only pray to one day receive the seal of approval from a non-investor with a twisted vendetta against the company he still blames for his 4D losses. Get over it!
At least we are in agreement regarding Cathy and Zai being top notch. With Adrian and Ray helping steer the ship, Val is heading for calmer waters.
If ever an up update screamed 'placing coming', sadly this was it.
Joined the ENSI party at just over the placing price. Sometimes an opportunity arises that it would be rude to ignore.
A very nice premium. I would expect the MMs would want their slice of this cake via a significant spread.
However, there are 4 reportable shorts to close and with over 80% of shares in sticky hands there is no way they will be able to suppress this SP.
I just love Monday mornings like this.
Promising start.
It’s always a promising when a trading statement opens with “excellent trading performance ahead of expectations”.
Revenue up 23%, EBITDA up 37%, net cash up from £22.9m to £29.7m. Healthy organic growth across all aspects of the business supplemented by sensible, well researched acquisitions.
I expect to see FRP sitting in a healthy position on the leaderboard come 4.30 tonight.
Why can't all my shares issue updates like that!
Profit before tax up from £9.2m to £25.9m (FY23), net cash up from £50m to £95m with an expectation to improve further.
Towards top of leaderboard today, methinks.
Not a holder here but lovely to see Marshall Wace being caught short.
Dipped my toe in the water here today having been watching for a while.
P/E, PEG, ROCE, cash in the bank and a reasonable dividend all make for good reading. A profitable company during turbulent times and as AIM shares go, a low spread. Above all, directors with skin in the game.
Maybe not a trading share, but with the new distribution centre well underway and continued growth, the dreaded FOMO kicked in.
Whatever happens, the rumour alone is likely to see a significant rise in the SP tomorrow morning. Happy days!
4 trades @ 4.89 within a short time frame this morning, all showing as sells. Mine was a buy. What is the betting the other 3 were as well.
Happy with that. 34% premium plus keep the divi.
Nice start to a Friday!
Well that update was disappointing, though not entirely unexpected. Still grounds for optimism here but maybe more mid/long term rather than short.
At these prices it was just too inviting not to join in. This SP is nothing to do with the company's performance or potential. It reflects the current macro uncertainty and world events. Any positive news and these prices will be history. Maybe not a day-trading share but for any investor with a little patience.....
I have taken a small position here today (tho’ showing as a sell) following a decent RNS. Revenue, profit & cash all up.
It has been on my watchlist for a while. An attractive P/E and the key factor, a glut of directors’ buys over the past year.
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