There's almost no point in participating in AIM open offers at the moment. The SP almost inevitably drops below the offer price, sometimes significantly, before recovering if you're lucky. I am beginning to feel a fool for taking up my allocation.
TTF gas absolutely flying today. Maybe time to fix energy tariff and tuck away a few more HBR shares.
Whereas our competitors are scaling up drilling operations, the buffoons in charge here are looking to shut down the North Sea. The prospect of Ed Miliband becoming Energy Secretary terrifies me. With imbecilic policies like his we are for sure set to become poorer.
Just reinvested all of my dividend, rounding up a little for good measure. Dealing charge of Ā£3.50 excellent value. The same can not be said for the ridiculous stamp duty payable on UK headquartered stocks. Will this clueless administration never do anything that actually favors UK businesses rather than their foreign competitors?
Richard Penny of Crux Asset Management has a few comments on BVC worth listening to [29.20 mins in], highlighting the complete disconnect between the SP and sum of the parts valuation. The divestment of non core assets could spark a rerating.
There's a an interesting extract in today's DM from 'How not to age' by Dr Michael Greger focusing on healthy eating.
Perhaps the most poignant line of all is 'Excess salt appears to be humanity's number one dietary risk factor for death'
If the trained teams of 'super tasters' at the likes of PepsiCo conclude that our product has no unpleasant metallic or bitter notes when added to certain foods [as is the case with current low salt alternatives] we could be on to something very big indeed.
I've just read the Times reader's comments and concluded that this must be one of the most loathed stocks in the FTSE Aim All Share. If I were Basu, I think I'd keep a low profile having lost so many investors so much money over the years. I definitely wouldn't crow about turning EBITDA positive. We're not that stupid!
How sad that the UK is not longer regarded as a fiscally stable place to invest. With the right policies we could have nurtured a domestic energy champion in HBR but instead have driven the investment abroad. We can now import the gas instead creating a bigger carbon footprint and add to our ballooning balance of trade deficit. Imbecilic decisions to woo a few popular votes sadly have real repercussions.
Yes, incredible. Now equivalent to 159p on the bid price. Even after today's confirmatory RNS I must be missing something but will continue buying in my SIPP. Worst case scenario is the deal falls through but in the long term still trading at a huge discount to NAV and value will out in the end.