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Posted in: AVCT
Posts: 390
Price: 45.00
No Opinion
I will bye More shares and then cell them for more
Price: 46.50
I asked AI, AI replied You shouldn't need to ask as everybody knows Watching2 is a plonker.
Hurst knows what's going on.
Price: 47.00
I paid him watching, his wife wants him to do overtime so she can get her nails done.
Price: 47.50
Good posts wyndrum I'll transfer your wages over this afternoon.
Posted in: BMN
Price: 0.306
Give up golf for 18 months.
Price: 49.50
Da West Staines Massiv .
Price: 48.00
You mean it's still for sale Watching2? No buyers...
Price: 51.00
November 2023 was a bit mad there were a lot of bonkers people, most however are financially better off now.
Price: 52.50
Will be gazillions Aldebaran, buy more tomorrow last chance Under 60p.
Posted in: CNSL
Price: 3.75
"Never listen to people whose life experience is restricted to shelf stacking in Tesco" Says so much about you Atanasoff, what an a$$hole !
Price: 50.50
12:44 It’s questionable whether it’s gone beyond recruitment yet. Tune out and wait for mid summer is my advice When is mid summer?
Yes a ¼ of the way through a new century is a leap leap year.
Nowhere in the USA is called Dairylea.
Is Sean the new CFO?
Price: 50.00
That's exactly why a new CFO is needed , to give us accountability.
Gatwick has had fog recently.
Price: 2.80
Although Americans don't have the best use of Grammar most would use a capital "G" for God.
But Aldebaran said 6 months, maybe he's the melt?
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