RE: The ICSID Claim / a Quantum Expert13 Feb 2025 20:28
We don't know who is standing in the way of EML: OCP, the Government, Local Politicians ?
We don't know if OCP have got their ESIA for their Khemisset project. Or are they having the same issues as EML?
We know that the KMP needs Potash and Ammonia, and the source for that is OCP
We also know that OCP needs the KMP for the same reasons as EML
So it seems to me that if OCP or the Government is behind the moves to frustrate EML ,then EML will just want their compensation (because either or both will continue to frustrate, even if EML get the ESIA.
Otherwise both OCP and EML would need each other, and a (JV ?) deal might be done.