Edenville Energy, the coal exploration and development company, announced on Tuesday a significant upgrade of the Rukwa Coalfield project in South Western Tanzania. The group reported 173m total tonnes in-situ at Mkomolo, Namwele and Muze combined at the prospect. Most of the resource tonnage (90%) lies within Mkomolo and Namwele while Muze is still being fully evaluated.The five holes drilled at Muze during 2012 returned a measured and indicated a resource of 5.5m tonnes."The board is extremely encouraged by this upgraded JORC [Joint Ore Reserves Committee] standard resource estimate for our Rukwa Coalfield Project, which further strengthens our belief in the commercial potential of our assets," said Chairman, Sally Schofield. "The work completed by our geological team and [Special Mine Services ]has resulted in a detailed, robust geological model with the measured and indicated coal resource now constrained to discrete coal zones within the overall coal measure sequence."Shares rose 6.67% to 0.24p at 08:51 Tuesday.RD