RE: Plan going forward?13 Nov 2024 19:27
there is a lot going on in morocco, a journalist was incourt and send him to prison for 1.5 years by the ministry of justice. with a high fine. the king mohaned 6 has ordered that everyone has to stay away with his fingers from the journalist, otherwise the one who touches him will go into prison. there is free speech in morocco and here you can immediately see that the corruption is also deeply rooted there.
the prime minister also seems to have done something according to that journalist said, prime minister seems has darkened around 15 billion usd. there is a lot of **** at the top in morocco at the moment
that is the same with the ministry of investment.
i suspect that emmerson knows who leaked information that the esia was not given and that is an infringement, which is why emmerson immediately ask for compensation for the damage suffered for both emmerson and the shareholders.
what are your thoughts?