Andrada Mining’s earn-in agreement with SQM is value-accretive partnership. Watch the interview here.
"Bunny Man said this is not a life style share ."
Lol, even the worst hucksters say that! !
Tbf I dontvthinkbit is, and I think SB is on the level.
BUT... long way to go. Let's see those mineralogy results, get the drill turningxagain and see where we are in Q2.
I suspect so weakness will persist till then, but who knows?
It only takes one serious stakebuilder to change that.
Yes, I think you're right. The sp has settled in to the classic pattern of downwards drift until news, and the discounting of good, but expected, news as if it were in the sp already.
So mb the mineralogy results, assuming they're good won't shift the dial that much.
But for sure ( assuming those good results) the sp must drive higher at some point. A catalyst will arrive from somewhere over the coming months.
Yes, you can. Hydrogen.
I take a cynical view of " investor " psychology.
Many here are much more of a gambling mindset than investing, and subject to impulse actions.
Divorcee !
Man lord.
Nice words from SB, who I have no reason to doubt. AnId I do trust him, after all, it is a tenet of investing that if you don't have confidence in the BoD you shouldn't hold the shares...which I do, tho in lesser size than I would like.
But I have known other CEIOs of other companies whose earnest beliefs turned to ike a triple divorce I retian an element of caution.
I can see no reason why delay gives any indication of poor or fantastic results.
Delay is delay. Most likely imho, as others say, its the extended Oz closedown.
But whatever it is results are results, and the fact assays are taking a big longer than those here expected gives no indication of what they might be.
I agree with others saying there is every reason to expect excellent results, tho of course nothing is ever certain.
Of course not. We are waiting for a day results, which cannot be scheduled and will drop as and when.
I think most here are expecting something this week, mb as early as tomorrow.
But it will come soon, and when it does I expect another SP jump.
"try reading the Q3 update", etc.
Well, yes. Do.
"We are therefore postponing updated resource for Douta ......targeting Q1 2024"
On Oyo, yes, " we...expect to receive further results in Q4 2023", tho given THX is in the hands of assayers I'm quite happy to grant a few days slack given the otherwise good track record here.
I certainly dont think there is anything that has been previously promised that is seriously overdue. Tho I would agree that some indication of mine life extension plan would be very welcome.
What is overdue?
Quarterly ops updates usually come 8 to 20 days after period end so thsts znyvday now but certainly not overdue.
No ther news overdue either, afaik, unless you can enlighten me.
And so far this co has been a model for delivering on guidance.
I fail to see where you are coming from.
Shame to see the name calling start.
If you disagree with the content of a post, challenge that. Play the ball, not the man : debate can be enlightening, slanging matches never are.
Very sage, littkejohn.
I too was in HUR and a very painful experience it was.. you say the CEO was sure and honest, but in the end plain wrong.
I am being a little cautious here for the similar reasons, only time and results will tell.
But it IS looking very promising indeed.
"If the positivities continue." Quite.
There is every reason to expect those positivities to continue, but that doesn't mean they are nailed on. Its still early stage and disappointments are possible.
But if the next set of drills, and lab results from CSIRO etc are +ve, 20p + is a very reasonable target.
But remember those ifs.
I see the rocketeers have arrived.
How long b4 someone say " you don't want to be out of this at the weekend?🙉😎
"failed to deliver" ???
THX has consistently delivered precisely to forecast guidance. On that basis I expect Q4 Ops update next week to confirm a return to higher grades, rising net cashflow from higher PoG, and falling debt.
The only area I need to see more progress and visibility is over mine life extension where we soon need to see plans for underground/ near mine expansion, along with capex requirement.
No doubt Douta and Oyo are proceeding too.
The perils of electronic comms, so easily misunderstood.
But twas ever thus : remember "send 3 & fourpence, we're going to a dance"?
Luckily as Lords ofbour different domains we seem to have sorted it out....😇
Man lord
Thanks for reply. TBC, I was referring to my own words where I said they might be " quite wrong".
No further questions, your honour...😆😎🙊
Man lord, could I ask the nature of your closeness to SB? You appear from your posts to have some sort of privileged access.
Mb that's quite wrong, but if so mb this would be an opportunity to clarify.
I am not trying to accuse anyone of any thing untoward, just curious.
If I were expecting a continuation of this drop I would be selling up to buy back later.
I'm not. I suspect this shakeout has pulled in, and been amplified by, a few nervous holders.
The scale of the opportunity here has been confirmed, and todays inflation surprise (even tho UK specific) strengthens the macro case by lowering LT costs of capital on the path to development.
There is now an opportunity to buy in or add, ahead of the remaining assays in NY.
I'm not getting carried away like some here who have talked about 100p, multiple £s etc, which is both fanciful and foolish, imv.
But looking at current Mcap vs the scale of the Ti discovery there must be 15 to 20p on the cards for January.
And if those assays come back with commercial Cu grades too, then upside is considerably more.
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