Not until he’s spent the last of the cash on ingenuity and swoops for it himself..JAM tomorrow. This leadership team and their lack of ability to creat any value in the SP is so poor , this Greg numpty that heads IR has he got any fund interested in his time here..another complete waster.
The free float isn’t in cloud cuckoo land. The H1 results were reported and MM delivered right at the bottom of expectations with the likelihood that we will miss guidance as Myprotein needs a massive recovery or the other parts of the business need to massively excel - this is basically what MM said when quizzed on a he call. The Demerger allowed to distract from the poor H1….added to this debt is increasing and needs refinancing in the short term. This is why the SP is sub one trusts MM and his smoke and mirrors approach to reporting.
Crafty you completely embarrassed yourself before the ramp. You went away to lick your wounds and now you’re back ramping again. MM has underdelivered for shareholders this is a fact, if he was actually properly prepared for questions on the demerger we might not have dropped 20%. You and LD hate anyone questioning MM, you and your pal just keep ramping.
Agree the £150mil is, in compassion to what’s been spent to date, is why demerge then? He wants it cheap just hope shareholders don’t get screwed over and that the investment to date gets recognised in the valuation..he mentioned large deprecation write downs..he’s planting a seed. Scum bag.
Christ this is the me where the £1.70 bid is, not just speculation..the actual note that says Apollo bids £1.70? These companies have to disclose me it? It does not exist.
Again I’ve read the peel report of what the the value SHOULD BE it’s not the case though as the value is sub £700m. Don’t completely turn into nugget nocraftyinvestor….give facts not spec.
Yes listened and it doesn’t say anything about the two being connected? You’re a nugget. MM said, on more then one occasion, that they is no timeline for the Demerger..this is why dangerous people like you need to be called out..your like the Donald trump of these boards..we ain’t eating dogs you bell end.
All these comments about Apollo bid value and what they valued Ingenuity at as all being above complete speculation. MM made some comments but it wasn’ta factual bid amount ..I could value a company at £1 and say I’ll give you 2p and pay 98p of the debt off..this is Matt at his best..smoke and mirror man..someone give me a link to a definite bid price? It’s not there.
RE: Expectations16 Sep 2024 21:51
You missed out on the impact of the Yen on nutrition.
Two main factors for Nutrition disruption are Brand Revamp and Yen. Both are no longer a problem and as the Yen improves it will impact massively on THG Nutrition's margins, remember revenue in Japan is £125M and growing.
Revamp worked through this quarter and Yen is now a tailwind.
This audio is from the Q1 update on 23rd April this year and clarifies their position
You are weird and completely comment holds more then what you have said..on the basis that he’s put it off till March 2025..suggests he doesn’t expect it to happen or in a completely different form.
You ramped the crap out of it and you’ve been proven to be completely wrong..look what you were saying on the Monday night when Sky did their are a stupid said I would get my 70p in the morning? You are a complete dangerous nugget head.
It’s the people that try and justify it to themselves..the say the sells are more then the buys, it’s the short sellers that are screwing us…fundamentally if the company hit guidance continuously (maybe even surpass, some were saying Damien would be prudent when he became CFO - he sat there in the presentation like a grandad with a fountain pen, nothing from him) the city does not like Matt..he turned up with a laptop and a phone and a tight t shirt (like the rest of the other ‘bosses’ sat in the presentation apart from grandad)..he is not the right person for a plc..
Tis the problem..and the debt ever increasing..he’s spunking all the cash, someone said that the debt spend is about stock spend in half year..the problem is the overall business is not cash generative so the ‘payback’ Of the debt gets put into ingenuity so the debt recovery is non existent and money is just going out of the door.. he knows it and wants to spend the last of the cash on ingenuity then buy it for nothing (roll it over) and then get the people that rolled over to help him pay the £150m capex..horror show.
Anyone who gives that muppet the time of day..Same as that crafty nugget who was spouting all the great stuff for the last 6 months with no appreciation of an alternative view..they are dangerous. Nuggets, and not in the good sense.
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