RE: When this comes backToday 16:43
Usually companies choose to go private because they feel the market doesn't reflect their true worth, ie an MCAP of say £10m compared to USA peers of similar size etc could be valued at 5x or 10x, that;s been a significant issue for UK listed plcs and has led to more companies going private to raise funds from private equity due to significant dilutions and low value demanded by investment specialists. Raising capital on UK markets is pretty horrible these days.
Going private has advantages such as zero costs for maintaining a listing which is significant, no need to produce market reports, easy access to funds. Management can crack on growing the business and then look to relist at a later date in market the US market. All if buts and maybes of course but it does happen.
As a shareholder you are pretty much locked in if t goes private, really hard to sell your stake although companies like JP Morgan offer a matched bargain service.
Overall, we do not want any of the above to happen FULL STOP