RE: Any news ?12 Jan 2022 22:54
Hang in there ! All is not lost.
Like many others and yourself , I’ve quite a lot of cash tied up in this share, but you know what ? I do believe that I will get something back ! why :
1 Have a look at the Frontera staff profiles on Linkedn , there are quite a few , still there . Surely they’d update their current position’s if they’d all moved on ?
2. Court cases and funding of such ; we are still fighting on all fronts , so we must have funding and there must be a purpose for continuing the fight.
3. Steve Nicandros : he’s the son of the successful oil man . He has committed a large part of his life into this company. Personal pride , legacy and family respect will be haunting and driving him. I don’t think for one moment he would want to be remembered as the CEO that harmed or ‘bankrupted’ many pi’s .
Stick with it , keep the faith and give it a little more time. Take the pastoral care and encouragement available from Looed and your fellow Frontera family.
We will have that party one day , wilder than a lockdown party at No 10. In fact we may be able to hire that place !