RE: ZEV Mandate Consultation Response5 Oct 2023 10:17
20% of new electric cars in August sold
Next year this will be 35- 40 percent . As cars get older most people will consider electric cars it's like getting rid of the old style car and colour , it happens all the time . Good times are waiting for this share .
Buy the shares put them away , in a few years have a look at the share price .This share is a new venture for all of us . It's a long term share , or call it a long term gamble .
*it depends on how long you want to wait * I totally agree with that statement. I was on the A38 just now and wondered how will be on fuel in ten years time . Very few I expect . We are talking about million's of cars going electric. In the mean time someone will make money from this . I'm sad for those who have lost out so far . We all have at some point .
Just a matter of time , you have to learn to walk before you run . If you can't wait then get out . In the meantime at this price increase and multiple..
4 imprint Difficult time for all shares with the Russia problem and Boris Everything about 4 imprint is looking good just depends on how the above works out .Good time to buy if you think the Russians will move away . Boris issue a change might settle things but saying that I just don't know .
As a holder of 4 for the past 21 years (ex employee ) I've seen ups and downs in the share price , now is definitely the time to increase your shares in 4 . Just a matter of time before they start to report good news . They have a great set up ready to go when countries open up. I'm positive about this share and will buy more.