Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
No answers then Noclue? Hardly surprising, so usual mo of deflection. yawn yawn.
p.s. you seem obsessed by 'medals'? Bit weirdy realy, maybe get out into the real world a bit more, meet up with sloopy for a bit of well needed exercise in the fresh air, perhaps.
He'd like his first friend
Warm start to the day here (26 degrees) so it is a do very little day in prospect. Now 🤡🤡 (JH) your posts are getting very childish and probably it is time to give it a rest. Bummie 🤡 let me tell you of my good fortune over the weekend, you will like this. Firstly I am down only 36k on my airline shares (Rya, Ezy and IAG). Now last Friday my Indian friend asked if I could sell him 80 Krugers. They had to be proof and uncirculated. Now as gold is sitting at $2500/once (30% increase in 12 months) I agreed and we settled on $3030 per coin. Sitting in my bank this morning is an amount of $242400. Now that must make you feel better. All have a nice day.
Quick one only today sloopy as am very busy at the mo and away from home.
Im sure your only down £36k, thats because youve added your profitable Rya into the mix of disasterous mix of Ezj and Iag to make yourself feel better. Take that out, and considering your earlier 'buying' post dates, you are down more like the figures i mentioned. Do try and be honest.
Talking of honesty. Have you been taking lessons on math from Noclue again. Last time you posted you advised us you were 'ordering 60 kruggers' and now you tell us you've sold 80? Do they multiple like rabbits or cant you recall your own mistruths.
Can you see the trouble with these figures? clearly more lies, ask Doug for help.
Made worse of course because your previous mention of kruggers informed us you had deposited your claimed coins in London.
Next you'll be telling us you 'flew one million miles a year' in aircraft, aircraft 'fueled by nitrogen'' three times.
Abject fantasy as always
You too Scott, sunshines just vanished from here and weather looking a bit grim for the rest of the day, inside jobs it is today now.
Onwards and upwards next week hopefully :)
I'll take your latest attempt at a dig as a big no then. You dont hold here.
Thought so, you only buy when very expensive and sell when cheap, all in the history.
Seems your 'nice weekend' not so nice in the end. Still found time to check in on here.
No wonder you are so miserable :)
Sounds like Mikey will be getting his teeth stuck into this nonsense.
See how long it is till its removed or quietly 'forgotten' by the authorities.
Cheer and lighten up a tad McLie.
You keep on telling us 'life is paradise' afterall, so why are you so grumpy all the time?
Me and John are doing our best to keep you entertained, all for free from the goodness of our hearts, how kind of us is that!
Now, have i worked out correctly the location of your supposed pool @ C'Los Angles?
Certainly looks the same as the photo of the communal pool you claimed was your own private one? You know that photo you crazily emailed to that random unknown email address? the email with the picture of you in it, that you then said in the next breath wasnt you at all but somebody else, although you cry anout its post8ng on here regularly. Trouble with telling lies McLie is you have to remember what you've said before. Ask Doomster.
what on earth are you on about? you are sounding a little ****** to me with your repeated anti-irish pops, do please join the modern world that finds such behaviour abhorant.
however given dt's endlessly persistent attempts to educate you beyond the playschool level, particularly in the school of numbers. are you not aware of two basic things?
1. "gb", as you state, in fact includes northern ireland! are you aware that the island of ireland consists of two parts (use your fingers to keep up)? are you even aware in which part john resides?
2. the said population of "gb", i will assume you mean england, is many times higher than both/either part of the isle of ireland, so is statisticslly likely to gather more medals anyway. would have thought even a numerically challenged numpty like yourself could have foreseen this fact, alas, i obviously expect too much of you. . . . . after all these years, silly me.
anyways, why are you attempting to browbeat john with your displayed racism on a rya share board? please advise of the relevence because, as usual, your logic has me and likely most, totally stumped? ? ? .
john was asking you politely about your earlier share 'predictions'. on a shares based platform. he was not asking you to discuss olympic medals, further display your anti irish racism, nor discuss off topic sporting events where people run around a circuit, throw pointy sticks as far as possible, make horses dance (away from water, eh mclie) nor bounce around spinning on the floor etc.
you, again, simply fail to answer, because you dont have an answer.
all you can do is deflect and troll, such repetative behaviour is getting a little boring now, please learn a new trick.
even mclie is saddened by your lack of ability, and that says so much in itself.
I will keep my powder dry KeepPishing.
I hear enough, you can work out from where yourself, you dont seem to change tho.
Have you taken advantage of the recent drop and bought any Wizz? or just here to troll me and all other holders, as usual?
Sector holding currently 67 Ezj (dont ask, a mathmatical goolie from years ago) a pile of Rya, some freebie wizzers (not many) and 881 wizzers to trade on a rise for more freebies.
Enjoy the nice weekend, out of the way quiet beach for me today, tourist dodging.
Regrets Scott - i didnt add on the last little dip, missed that oppo like a fool, had to much in here already in the one lump to want to add more, alas. 'rookie' mistake.
Note to self DT, spend the wonga, more makes more.
Looking far rosier at the moment tho all ;)
Well sp's recovered from the recent little dip so will happily take that for my little carry.
Not what i hear, but who remotely cares a jot anyway about your 'career'.
Dont post and drive
Anyways, off to walk the mut at Crantock beach. Remember, buy low sell high Mr Manwaring
All true though eh! lol
Especially where the russians are about MrMaz, they have form for 'accidentally' losing of those rockets. As you say theres no way on earth anybody will fly in such territory.
You sound very bitter keeppishing, why is that?
Another zero hours shift today or something? failed the Uber exam? boiler finaly given up?
or just very unhappy with life in general still. Upgraded your 2010 little bmw then lol.
Nice little rise here today, hope you bought a few like myself. in out 8nmout.
Remember to buy low .
Doomster, if you still cant answer Johns questions (im not surprised) then at least please advise us of your recent purchases, just names, no figures or quantities.
We promise not to take the michael old pal.
Me and John, and presumably the wider lse world, can then avoid those like botulism rather than copy that BOo disaster buy of £3.78 of yours.
Wont be seeing that £8k back, highly regretable, but cant say you wasnt warned by plenty of folk.
Ohhh Sloopy you are a little repetative, deflection bs on max warp drive as usual.
Now, i did say Noclue would be tollerated down here washing in on the tide, but yourself, im not so sure,mthere are SOME standards that need keeping after all.
i think the locals would likely assume a minkie carcuss had swept in, so probably organise a rescue party to tip buckets of water on top whilst waiting for a tidal refloat. You can see why, it would be an easy mistake to make.
Any photos of these choccie coins yet? keep asking
Well certainly managed to pull todays initial 10% back so thats good.
Happy to aboard the bus after its travelled a few positive stops and set off on its journey, rather than jump aboard in the terminus when we dont know it'll even start.
Speciliases in investing the other way, holds charts the wrong way up lol
Agree Lamp, apologises for the sp action subsequent to post.
Need to see more sustained improvement and comms im afraid before i add any cash into here.
Far to many false dawns, under numerous charges, over far to many years.
A gamble at any price to me
Yeah yeah
£11k in @ 1246