Strategic Minerals PLC - London-based exploration and production company - Posts update on its Deep Digital Cornwall project via its wholly-owned subsidiary Cornwall Resources Ltd. Says "new areas of mineral prospectivity for tin and tungsten" found in DDC soil sampling results. Finds 1% tin, or 1.1% tin equivalent in soil sample DDC001275. Explains the project is entering its second and final phase.
"These Deep Digital Cornwall datasets provide welcome confirmation that mineralisation likely continues to the west of Redmoor and the Target Tip Valley. Historically, this area has been under-explored and unmined and provides likely targets for further future investigation and exploration,"says Executive Director of Strategic Minerals and Director of Cornwall Resources Peter Wale. Looking forward, he adds: "The 2023 expected drill programme will utilise the data produced in the Deep Digital Cornwall datasets to pursue exploration of depth extensions of the Target Tip Valley target and the potential for a westward continuation of the existing Redmoor orebody."
Current stock price: 0.31 pence, down 19% on Wednesday
12-month change: down 32%
By Tom Budszus;
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