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Pin to quick picksSevern Trent Directors Deals (SVT)

Share Price Information for Severn Trent (SVT)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 2,507.00
Bid: 2,505.00
Ask: 2,507.00
Change: 22.00 (0.89%)
Spread: 2.00 (0.08%)
Open: 2,486.00
High: 2,510.00
Low: 2,469.00
Prev. Close: 2,485.00

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Directors Deals for Severn Trent (SVT)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
18-Oct-2416-Oct-24SellHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles2,713.64GBX18,47257,040
13-Sep-2412-Sep-24Transfer ToChristine Mary Hodgson held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Christine Mary Hodgson--2,3252,836
29-Jul-2425-Jul-24Transfer FromHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles--17,76512,053
29-Jul-2425-Jul-24SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,499.79GBX29,388382,027
29-Jul-2425-Jul-24SellHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles2,499.79GBX8,37912,053
29-Jul-2425-Jul-24Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--62,308382,027
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24SellHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles2,413.08GBX2,8522,667
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24Transfer FromHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles--6,0462,667
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,413.08GBX6,076349,107
11-Jun-2410-Jun-24Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--12,882349,107
03-May-2401-May-24Exercise of OptionOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield1,860.00GBX967342,301
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingSarah Legg held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Sarah Legg2,150.00GBX1,1621,162
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingJohn Coghlan held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Coghlan2,150.00GBX1,1623,832
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingKevin S Beeston held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Kevin S Beeston2,150.00GBX1,1625,996
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles2,150.00GBX2,3252,325
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingChristine Mary Hodgson held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Christine Mary Hodgson2,150.00GBX2,3257,486
29-Sep-2329-Sep-23PlacingOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,150.00GBX4,651341,334
27-Jul-2325-Jul-23SellHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles2,553.46GBX8,627-
27-Jul-2325-Jul-23Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--67,451336,683
27-Jul-2325-Jul-23Transfer FromHelen Miles held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Helen Miles--18,279-
27-Jul-2325-Jul-23SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,553.46GBX31,833336,683
24-Mar-2324-Mar-23SellSarah Legg held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Sarah Legg2,829.00GBX750-
11-Oct-2210-Oct-22BuySharmila Nebhrajani held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Sharmila Nebhrajani2,288.50GBX130231
03-Oct-2230-Sep-22BuyOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,341.00GBX2,119332,898
03-Oct-2230-Sep-22BuyChristine Mary Hodgson held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Christine Mary Hodgson2,349.00GBX2,1005,161
28-Jul-2226-Jul-22SellJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling2,912.78GBX16,82018,223
28-Jul-2226-Jul-22Transfer FromJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling--35,04318,223
28-Jul-2226-Jul-22Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--77,550330,763
28-Jul-2226-Jul-22SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,912.78GBX37,222330,763
07-Jul-2207-Jul-22BuyGillian Sheldon held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Gillian Sheldon2,791.74GBX350350
28-Jun-2227-Jun-22Exercise of OptionJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling1,474.00GBX1,2215,455
22-Jun-2220-Jun-22Transfer FromJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling--8,2094,234
22-Jun-2220-Jun-22SellJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling2,796.17GBX3,9754,234
22-Jun-2220-Jun-22Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--13,627290,435
22-Jun-2220-Jun-22SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,796.17GBX6,599290,435
31-Mar-2231-Mar-22Notification of HoldingChristine Mary Hodgson held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Christine Mary Hodgson---3,061
09-Feb-2208-Feb-22BuyKevin S Beeston held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Kevin S Beeston2,802.65GBX1,7814,834
28-Jul-2127-Jul-21SellJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling2,738.26GBX17,35998,901
28-Jul-2127-Jul-21Transfer FromJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling--37,17498,901
28-Jul-2127-Jul-21SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,738.26GBX38,407283,407
28-Jul-2127-Jul-21Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--82,249283,407
22-Jun-2121-Jun-21SellJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling2,507.40GBX4,31079,086
22-Jun-2121-Jun-21Transfer FromJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling--9,13779,086
22-Jun-2121-Jun-21SellOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,507.40GBX7,152239,565
22-Jun-2121-Jun-21Transfer FromOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield--15,162239,565
02-Jun-2101-Jun-21Exercise of OptionOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield1,652.00GBX1,089231,555
20-May-2119-May-21PlacingJames Bowling held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.James Bowling2,400.00GBX2,08374,259
20-May-2119-May-21PlacingOlivia (Liv) Garfield held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Olivia (Liv) Garfield2,400.00GBX4,166230,466
20-May-2119-May-21PlacingChristine Mary Hodgson held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Christine Mary Hodgson2,400.00GBX1,0411,041
31-Mar-2131-Mar-21Notification of HoldingAngela Strank held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Angela Strank---459

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