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Pin to quick picksHammerson Directors Deals (HMSO)

Share Price Information for Hammerson (HMSO)

London Stock Exchange
Share Price is delayed by 15 minutes
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Share Price: 289.20
Bid: 289.00
Ask: 289.40
Change: -2.00 (-0.69%)
Spread: 0.40 (0.138%)
Open: 290.00
High: 291.60
Low: 287.80
Prev. Close: 291.20
HMSO Live PriceLast checked at -

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Directors Deals for Hammerson (HMSO)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
19-May-1717-May-17SellJean-Philippe Mouton held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Jean-Philippe Mouton584.12GBX11,894284,090
12-Oct-1610-Oct-16Buy DividendsTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith558.00GBX99302,301
12-Oct-1610-Oct-16Buy DividendsGwyn Burr held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Gwyn Burr558.00GBX2215,403
12-Oct-1610-Oct-16Buy DividendsDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins558.00GBX200450,085
12-Oct-1610-Oct-16Scrip DividendPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole579.00GBX4,070323,964
12-Oct-1610-Oct-16Scrip DividendGwyn Burr held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Gwyn Burr579.00GBX715,182
04-Aug-1604-Aug-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--275302,301
04-Aug-1604-Aug-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith545.00GBX275302,301
29-Jul-1629-Jul-16BuyPierre Bouchut held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Pierre Bouchut554.04GBX20,000-
29-Jul-1628-Jul-16BuyDavid A Tyler held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.David A Tyler559.44GBX10,00040,000
28-Jul-1628-Jul-16BuyTerry Duddy held the position of Senior Independent Director at the time of this trade.Terry Duddy553.80GBX28,00068,000
28-Jul-1628-Jul-16BuyAndrew Formica held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andrew Formica555.43GBX7,00022,000
07-Jun-1606-Jun-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--26301,476
07-Jun-1606-Jun-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith573.50GBX26301,476
09-May-1629-Apr-16Scrip DividendGwyn Burr held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Gwyn Burr572.90GBX1115,111
09-May-1629-Apr-16Scrip DividendTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith572.90GBX3,010301,424
09-May-1629-Apr-16Scrip DividendPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole572.90GBX6,374319,894
09-May-1629-Apr-16Scrip DividendDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins572.90GBX2,655448,190
05-May-1605-May-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--26298,440
05-May-1605-May-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith578.50GBX26298,440
03-May-1629-Apr-16Buy DividendsTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith591.00GBX108298,362
03-May-1629-Apr-16Buy DividendsPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole591.00GBX270313,520
03-May-1629-Apr-16Buy DividendsDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins591.00GBX244445,535
27-Apr-1625-Apr-16Transfer FromJean-Philippe Mouton held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Jean-Philippe Mouton--19,907265,702
21-Apr-1621-Apr-16SellJean-Philippe Mouton held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Jean-Philippe Mouton582.30GBX20,133245,795
18-Apr-1614-Apr-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--497298,254
18-Apr-1614-Apr-16Transfer FromPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole--497313,250
18-Apr-1614-Apr-16Transfer FromDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins--497445,291
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--26297,757
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith577.50GBX26297,757
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16Transfer FromPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole--312312,753
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16BuyPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole577.50GBX312312,441
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16Transfer FromDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins--312444,794
06-Apr-1605-Apr-16BuyDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins577.50GBX312444,794
10-Mar-1609-Mar-16Exercise of OptionPeter W B Cole held the position of Chief Investment Officer at the time of this trade.Peter W B Cole--34,668312,129
08-Mar-1607-Mar-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--27297,705
08-Mar-1607-Mar-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith556.50GBX27297,705
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16Exercise of OptionJean-Philippe Mouton held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Jean-Philippe Mouton--25,037265,928
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16Transfer ToTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--17,467297,651
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16Exercise of OptionTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--33,017297,651
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16SellTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith558.20GBX15,550297,651
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16Transfer ToDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins--72,114444,170
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16Exercise of OptionDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins--136,307444,170
04-Mar-1603-Mar-16SellDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins558.20GBX64,193444,170
15-Feb-1615-Feb-16BuyDavid A Tyler held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.David A Tyler558.40GBX5,00030,000
15-Feb-1615-Feb-16BuyDavid Atkins held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.David Atkins561.40GBX5,000372,056
06-Jan-1604-Jan-16Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--26280,132
06-Jan-1604-Jan-16BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith593.50GBX26280,132
08-Dec-1504-Dec-15BuyTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith602.00GBX25280,080
08-Dec-1504-Dec-15Transfer FromTimon Drakesmith held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Timon Drakesmith--25280,080

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