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Pin to quick picksDrax Directors Deals (DRX)

Share Price Information for Drax (DRX)

London Stock Exchange
Share Price is delayed by 15 minutes
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Share Price: 622.00
Bid: 621.50
Ask: 622.50
Change: 8.00 (1.30%)
Spread: 1.00 (0.161%)
Open: 619.00
High: 623.50
Low: 610.00
Prev. Close: 614.00

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Directors Deals for Drax (DRX)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
01-Aug-2431-Jul-24BuyRob Shuter held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Rob Shuter646.09GBX80,00080,000
05-Apr-2403-Apr-24SellAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton489.10GBX15,869448,942
05-Apr-2403-Apr-24Transfer FromAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton--79,256448,942
05-Apr-2403-Apr-24SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner489.10GBX28,412846,017
05-Apr-2403-Apr-24Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--139,018846,017
30-Oct-2327-Oct-23Transfer ToWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--350,000735,411
28-Sep-2327-Sep-23BuyWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner429.81GBX11,3611,085,411
26-Sep-2326-Sep-23BuyJohn Baxter held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Baxter438.35GBX7,50017,500
26-Sep-2325-Sep-23BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton453.89GBX11,178464,811
12-May-2310-May-23Transfer FromAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton--168,231453,633
12-May-2310-May-23SellAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton606.66GBX168,231453,633
12-May-2310-May-23Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--295,0801,074,050
12-May-2310-May-23SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner606.66GBX295,0801,074,050
31-Mar-2330-Mar-23Transfer FromAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton--56,930264,821
31-Mar-2330-Mar-23SellAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton529.43GBX26,834264,821
31-Mar-2330-Mar-23SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner529.43GBX44,120742,871
31-Mar-2330-Mar-23Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--93,616742,871
24-Feb-2323-Feb-23BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton637.30GBX6,244234,725
24-Feb-2323-Feb-23BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton643.20GBX5,220234,725
24-Feb-2323-Feb-23BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton644.60GBX8,026234,725
04-May-2203-May-22SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner808.50GBX30,000693,375
06-Apr-2205-Apr-22Transfer ToWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--20,000723,375
30-Mar-2228-Mar-22Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--221,632290,686
30-Mar-2228-Mar-22Transfer FromAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton--148,450326,474
30-Mar-2228-Mar-22Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--45,168290,686
30-Mar-2229-Mar-22SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner770.57GBX21,282290,686
30-Mar-2229-Mar-22SellAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton770.57GBX69,947326,474
30-Mar-2229-Mar-22SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner770.57GBX104,429290,686
22-Dec-2122-Dec-21SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner595.00GBX16,66784,608
31-Dec-2031-Dec-20Notification of HoldingWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner---101,275
31-Dec-2031-Dec-20Notification of HoldingAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton---169,468
31-Dec-2031-Dec-20Notification of HoldingWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner---101,275
31-Jul-2030-Jul-20BuyWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner272.50GBX54,772467,114
30-Jul-2029-Jul-20BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton272.00GBX60,902142,976
15-May-2015-May-20SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner195.40GBX20,798391,544
15-May-2015-May-20Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--44,094433,140
03-Apr-2002-Apr-20BuyAndy Koss held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andy Koss155.00GBX16,100149,669
03-Apr-2002-Apr-20BuyAndy Koss held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andy Koss15,400.00GBX16,147133,569
01-Apr-2031-Mar-20BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton156.62GBX50,82482,074
01-Apr-2031-Mar-20BuyWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner153.07GBX97,500389,046
31-Mar-2028-Mar-20SellAndy Koss held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andy Koss145.26GBX20,895101,275
31-Mar-2028-Mar-20Transfer FromAndy Koss held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andy Koss--44,300122,170
31-Mar-2028-Mar-20SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner145.26GBX26,287291,546
31-Mar-2028-Mar-20Transfer FromWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--55,732291,546
26-Jul-1925-Jul-19BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton297.71GBX16,25031,250
27-Jun-1926-Jun-19BuyJohn Baxter held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Baxter269.00GBX7,00010,000
08-May-1907-May-19BuyAndy Skelton held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Andy Skelton331.32GBX15,00015,000
27-Mar-1927-Mar-19Transfer ToWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner--41,345262,101
08-Mar-1907-Mar-19SellAndy Koss held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andy Koss373.28GBX17,96677,870
08-Mar-1908-Mar-19SellWill Gardiner held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Will Gardiner373.28GBX104,993282,279

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