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Pin to quick picksBellway Directors Deals (BWY)

Share Price Information for Bellway (BWY)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 2,198.00
Bid: 2,208.00
Ask: 2,220.00
Change: 28.00 (1.29%)
Spread: 12.00 (0.543%)
Open: 2,252.00
High: 2,268.00
Low: 2,198.00
Prev. Close: 2,170.00

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Directors Deals for Bellway (BWY)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
27-Nov-2426-Nov-24BuySimon Scougall held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Simon Scougall2,528.00GBX515515
27-Nov-2426-Nov-24BuyKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey2,528.00GBX77751,662
27-Nov-2426-Nov-24BuyJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman2,528.00GBX1,27436,051
16-Oct-2415-Oct-24SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey3,256.90GBX27,30350,885
29-Jan-2429-Jan-24BuySarah Whitney held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Sarah Whitney2,637.93GBX1,1311,131
31-Jul-2231-Jul-22Notification of HoldingJohn F Tutte held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.John F Tutte---20,000
31-Jul-2231-Jul-22Notification of HoldingKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey---78,188
31-Jul-2231-Jul-22Notification of HoldingJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman---34,777
31-Jul-2231-Jul-22Notification of HoldingKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey---78,188
08-Apr-2208-Apr-22BuyIan P McHoul held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Ian P McHoul2,520.00GBX2,0002,000
08-Apr-2207-Apr-22BuyJohn F Tutte held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.John F Tutte2,545.48GBX20,000-
30-Nov-2129-Nov-21BuyJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman3,161.00GBX3,37331,427
25-Oct-2125-Oct-21BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith3,454.70GBX3,15421,337
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21Transfer ToJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--4,90128,054
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21SellJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman3,182.00GBX4,36428,054
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21Exercise of OptionJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--9,26528,054
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey3,182.00GBX3,23266,598
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--3,63066,598
22-Oct-2122-Oct-21Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--6,86266,598
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20Transfer ToJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--4,79623,153
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20SellJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman2,835.00GBX4,27023,153
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20Exercise of OptionJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--9,06623,153
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--4,79662,968
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--9,06662,968
10-Nov-2010-Nov-20SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey2,835.00GBX4,27062,968
29-Oct-2028-Oct-20BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith2,311.60GBX1,72118,183
29-Oct-2028-Oct-20BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith2,318.00GBX4216,462
29-Oct-2028-Oct-20BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith2,312.70GBX2,15116,462
31-Jul-2031-Jul-20Notification of HoldingJill Caseberry held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Jill Caseberry---470
30-Mar-2027-Mar-20BuyDenise Jagger held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Denise Jagger2,171.00GBX2262,462
30-Mar-2030-Mar-20BuyDenise Jagger held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Denise Jagger1,993.23GBX9862,236
26-Mar-2026-Mar-20BuyJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman1,995.00GBX2,68718,357
26-Mar-2025-Mar-20Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--1,09958,172
26-Mar-2025-Mar-20Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey1,378.00GBX1,09959,271
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey3,157.00GBX3,39258,172
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--3,81058,172
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--7,20258,172
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19Transfer ToJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--2,43415,670
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19BuyJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman3,157.00GBX2,16818,104
12-Nov-1911-Nov-19Exercise of OptionJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--4,60215,936
27-Mar-1927-Mar-19Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey2,048.80GBX43954,362
21-Jan-1921-Jan-19Transfer ToJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--1,00011,334
21-Jan-1921-Jan-19SellJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman2,932.00GBX6,28111,334
21-Jan-1921-Jan-19Exercise of OptionJason Honeyman held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Jason Honeyman--13,33618,615
13-Nov-1813-Nov-18Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--11,66653,923
13-Nov-1813-Nov-18SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey2,937.50GBX10,38553,923
13-Nov-1813-Nov-18Exercise of OptionKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--22,05175,974
04-Dec-1704-Dec-17SellKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey3,470.00GBX4,45153,923
04-Dec-1704-Dec-17Transfer FromKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--9,45158,374
04-Dec-1704-Dec-17Transfer ToKeith Adey held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Keith Adey--5,00058,374

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