BNKR revamp28 Nov 2024 07:08
Overall, quite happy with the portfolio rationalisation, from 160 or so stocks to 112 at Oct 31. Maybe the US loading could be a bit higher than the 50% (round figures) and Europe/UK lower than the 26% or so, given dysfunctional governments and damaging polices in some of those countries, though most of the companies do trade internationally. No Nvidia in the US but the managers have said they believe Broadcom will work out well, and good on them for fronting up on that. There are 50-dd stocks in the stg9 to stg1m range for total value of say stg320-stg350m. I'd like to see that cut to say 30 of the managers' best ideas, and the balance of funds put into the mid-top tier. Still reasonable value at the discount, and dividend champion status lives on. Nov 30 Factsheet will be interesting reading, post-US election.