RE: Always the Prof26 Oct 2024 10:23
Sad though the death of the founder may be, the loss of a 90+ yo workaholic is neither surprising nor tragic, so eulogy aside, it would be nice to have some positive pronouncement from the new acting chairman*. It's been two weeks now!
How do a market analyst living in Maine US, a serial director of companies in Toronto, and a semi-retired consultant in Perth WA plan on hands-on managing a company thousands of miles away in an unfamiliar jurisdiction, or are they planning to leave it all up to a recently bereaved elderly lady?
What is the new strategic plan for the company, including addressing the above?
Is the company in any substantive JV talks, and if so, what is their timeline?
Is there any progression plan for the operational staff, who after decades, are the only ones with significant familiarity of the projects? In 20 years they don't seem to have advanced an inch in seniority, been rewarded with any shares, nor been given any executive responsibility.
When can we expect a long-overdue resource update? It shouldn't take long nor cost much. The late chairman's £50k should easily cover it this side of the AGM.
All reasonable questions imho.
*BTW, it's not about honouring a legacy, it's about finally delivering some value to shareholders, Mr Sherman!