Colin has been very honest and communicative.
He is a hugely experienced miner.
Most of us are distinct amateurs and are hanging on numbers.
My take fwiw.
Porhphrys are veined so the grades vary and any snap shot will only tell so much.
The bigger the mineralisation and the more Porhphrys the average grade required drops as the economies of scale ramp up.
Its a very confident interview and as I said earlier it has de-risked the share price.
Intelligent investors will be be building '
'Ole 6 has hit mineralisation at 45 m whereas they were expecting it to take 350 to 400 m which suggests there's at least one more porphyry and possibly several.
There is a lot to like and with all shares patience will be the key.
FT obviously hasn't a clue what he's talking about so no point in commenting on him further.
I may be wrong but this Rns is the first in a while which directly mentions the 2MT target, suggesting a confidence it's going to be met.
Paul is a very switched on guy who knows mining, but just as importantly finance.
The model being built should be self funding within a relatively short period and once a discovery is made we will all be significantly better off.
If 2 or 3 prove successful then a big re-rate is likely.
Dividends will be forthcoming too.
In short Paul is building a proper company, its' not a punt.
I've doubled my investment here.
If this doesn't multibag in the next year I'll be really surprised.
Anyone who has done a Covid test knows a breathtest would be infinitely more user friendly.
Lateral flow tests just are not accurate enough and user error is too high.
Pcr are much more accurate but take too long for fast moving entrance environments.
The water contamination detection test alone will multibag this and the breathtest could multiply the multi!!
Hi AquaeSulis01
Yes a muted reaction but a relatively short hole which should hit mineralisation within a couple of days.
People are waiting for assays but this drill may turn out to be very exciting.
Lots of progress in Pow.
The results should arrive like London buses!
The quality of the research on this BB is first class and I'm happy with my investment and as convinced as I can be that Xtr will be in a good place in a few months.
Colin did say a few weeks ago in one of the interviews that once the 'oles had been drilled and assays received, it would take the technical guys 6 weeks to produce a detailed plan of what we have.
Both Kavango and Power have a transparent policy of using warrants to raise the capital needed to explore for metal deposits.
The alternative are placings which are like the proverbial kick in the nether region.
Much better this way.
News can't be far off on the EM surveys.
Keep the faith.
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