RE: £350 mcap29 Aug 2023 17:26
Given C123's admissions about being involved in 20 big enginnering projects that failed to meet targets and the fact that he admits his responsibility for overseeing the failure of 3 projects, am I the only one grateful for the fact that he has nothing to do with the HZM development?
C123, your posts are never backed up with any factual evidence, they are purely your opinion and I treat those with the same disrespect that I do the rampers who voice their own opinions without factual evidence.
The SP fell during August. Little surpise to me given normal market trends during this period every year, low volumes of trade due to holidays. Added to this, an AIM market that is more susceptible to such movement.
The SP has risen today on very little volume just as it has fallen on the same small volumes this past few weeks. There has been less fluctuation in price on far greater trading volumes so no concerns for me.
Has the concern about a further fundraising gone away already C123? No! there was never any in the first place, just MMs out to make a bit of money while they can.
I see your type on many BBs. You just like to antagonize and try to start an argument. Laughable.