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Pin to quick picksI3 Energy Directors Deals (I3E)

  • This share is currently suspended. It was suspended at a price of 12.74

Share Price Information for I3 Energy (I3E)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 12.74
Bid: 0.00
Ask: 0.00
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Spread: 0.00 (0.00%)
Open: 12.74
High: 0.00
Low: 0.00
Prev. Close: 12.74

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Directors Deals for I3 Energy (I3E)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
24-Nov-2322-Nov-23BuyRyan Heath held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Ryan Heath0.17CAD228,5718,483,945
24-Nov-2323-Nov-23BuyMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq10.08GBX337,2919,875,110
27-Sep-2325-Sep-23Notification of HoldingJason Dranchuk held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Jason Dranchuk0.21CAD200,000200,000
05-Jul-2304-Jul-23BuyMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq1.27GBX196,3189,734,209
12-Oct-2211-Oct-22BuyJohn Festival held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.John Festival0.35CAD1,000,0002,602,360
12-Oct-2211-Oct-22BuyMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq2,420.00GBX206,6079,537,891
27-May-2227-May-22BuyJohn Festival held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Festival0.43CAD354,5001,602,360
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionJohn Festival held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Festival5.00GBX748,8001,602,360
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionJohn Festival held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Festival11.00GBX300,0001,602,360
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionNeill A Carson held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson11.00GBX96,3127,666,111
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionNeill A Carson held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson5.00GBX323,2907,666,111
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionRichard Millington Ames held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Richard Millington Ames11.00GBX183,8031,539,723
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionRichard Millington Ames held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Richard Millington Ames5.00GBX616,9691,539,723
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionLinda Beal held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Linda Beal5.00GBX238,8271,305,493
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionLinda Beal held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Linda Beal11.00GBX366,6661,305,493
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionGraham Andrew Heath held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Graham Andrew Heath5.00GBX5,284,28215,505,444
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionGraham Andrew Heath held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Graham Andrew Heath11.00GBX1,670,66715,505,444
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq11.00GBX1,476,4189,331,684
27-May-2227-May-22Exercise of OptionMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq5.00GBX4,903,7259,331,684
22-Oct-2120-Oct-21Exercise of OptionLinda Beal held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Linda Beal5.00GBX400,000700,000
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21Exercise of OptionLinda Beal held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Linda Beal0.01GBX300,000300,000
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21BuyJohn Festival held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Festival0.01GBX134,262199,060
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21Exercise of OptionNeill A Carson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson0.01GBX534,3767,246,509
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21Exercise of OptionRichard Millington Ames held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Richard Millington Ames0.01GBX534,376738,951
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21Exercise of OptionGraham Andrew Heath held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Graham Andrew Heath0.01GBX1,734,2828,550,495
29-Apr-2120-Apr-21BuyMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq0.01GBX2,807,7762,951,541
02-Nov-2002-Nov-20Notification of HoldingJohn Festival held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.John Festival---64,798
02-Nov-2002-Nov-20Notification of HoldingRichard Millington Ames held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Richard Millington Ames---204,575
02-Nov-2002-Nov-20Notification of HoldingNeill A Carson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson---6,712,133
02-Nov-2002-Nov-20Notification of HoldingGraham Andrew Heath held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Graham Andrew Heath---6,816,213
02-Nov-2002-Nov-20Notification of HoldingMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq---143,765
12-Mar-1912-Mar-19PlacingNeill A Carson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson37.00GBX57,5386,615,076
12-Mar-1912-Mar-19PlacingRichard Millington Ames held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Richard Millington Ames37.00GBX204,575204,575
12-Mar-1912-Mar-19PlacingDavid John Wissler Knox held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.David John Wissler Knox37.00GBX272,767272,767
12-Mar-1912-Mar-19PlacingMajid Shafiq held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Majid Shafiq37.00GBX143,765143,765
25-Jul-1725-Jul-17Notification of HoldingNeill A Carson held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neill A Carson---6,500,000
25-Jul-1725-Jul-17Notification of HoldingGraham Andrew Heath held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Graham Andrew Heath---6,500,000

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