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Pin to quick picksBisichi Directors Deals (BISI)

Share Price Information for Bisichi (BISI)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 105.00
Bid: 100.00
Ask: 110.00
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Spread: 10.00 (10.00%)
Open: 105.00
High: 105.00
Low: 105.00
Prev. Close: 105.00

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Directors Deals for Bisichi (BISI)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
14-Oct-2410-Oct-24BuyClement Robin Parish held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Clement Robin Parish123.00GBX5,0005,000
31-Dec-2131-Dec-21Notification of HoldingGarrett Casey held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Garrett Casey---40,000
31-Dec-2131-Dec-21Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller---785,012
31-Dec-2131-Dec-21Notification of HoldingMichael A Heller held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Michael A Heller---148,783
03-Nov-1727-Sep-17Transfer ToAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller--25,700785,012
19-Oct-1606-Oct-16Transfer ToAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller--130,050785,012
18-Apr-1618-Apr-16Notification of HoldingMichael A Heller held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Michael A Heller---330,117
18-Feb-1517-Feb-15Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller---785,012
18-Feb-1417-Feb-14Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller---785,012
13-Feb-1413-Feb-14SellAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller100.00GBX40,000785,012
13-Feb-1413-Feb-14BuyGarrett Casey held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Garrett Casey100.00GBX40,000-
07-Feb-1406-Feb-14Exercise of OptionMichael A Heller held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Michael A Heller34.00GBX40,000-
07-Aug-1307-Aug-13Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller---785,012
23-Jul-1323-Jul-13Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller---785,012
15-Apr-1115-Apr-11Notification of HoldingAndrew R Heller held the position of Managing Director at the time of this trade.Andrew R Heller----
15-Apr-1115-Apr-11Notification of HoldingMichael A Heller held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Michael A Heller----
10-Nov-1010-Nov-10BuyMichael A Heller held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Michael A Heller38.50GBX8,919-
08-Jan-1007-Jan-10SellChristopher A Joll held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Christopher A Joll164.00GBX1,000-
12-Oct-0912-Oct-09SellChristopher A Joll held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Christopher A Joll172.00GBX4,0001,000
22-Sep-0819-Sep-08BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney285.00GBX5,00057,500
22-Apr-0818-Apr-08BuyDerek Stevens held the position of Secretary at the time of this trade.Derek Stevens280.00GBX2,00031,001
09-Apr-0809-Apr-08BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney270.00GBX7,50057,500
01-Apr-0831-Mar-08BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney284.00GBX5,00057,500
28-Jun-0728-Jun-07BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney273.00GBX5,00057,500
14-Sep-0414-Sep-04BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney153.00GBX10,00057,500
02-Jun-0330-May-03BuyThomas M Kearney held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Thomas M Kearney45.00GBX25,00057,500

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