Well said Forge
As I said "Ridiculous little man who has an inflated view of his own importance and intellect."
Well said Onbey! Now Big Blue. You write a load of absolute twaddle. I have kept pretty quiet till now. Let me make it CLEAR to you as you are not that bright are you?. I DON'T CARE IF MY SHARES BECOME WORTHLESS. I Cant give a sh"t as I NEVER invest MORE than I am prepared to lose. Do you get that! Repeat NEVER invest more than I am prepared to LOSE. So stop your judgment. I am not running round like a headless chicken and neither are many of the other users on here. We are not panicking or anything else. IS THAT CLEAR? We are diligently all trying to work out what is best for our personal situation. Your input is WORTHLESS. Ridiculous little man who has an inflated view of his own importance and intellect. Now just go away ! I think after 10000 negative posts someone needs to intervene and have your mental health checked up on !!
OnbewyondZebra.. Very good post. My wife and me are staying with HL. Not worried about POLY r. We all have our own needs which differ. I just cannot understand. It is not our fault a complete lunatic decided to invade a sovereign country. We are just trying to rescue and protect our interests. It was only a week ago BB was saying POLY would crash below 140p .. People should not be allowed to post on here unless they are discussing the stock; not war or having a pop at people. Glad this will soon be shut down Good luck all
If you read in iI said "I am quite happy just with the POLYk side as I have a very low average price." As far as I am concerned as long as we keep our POLYk shares and the POLY r shares are stuck in limbo is fine by me. No one knows what is going to happen after the spilt. It is all speculation at the moment anyway. The war could end tomorrow or in two years time.. Just taking a day at a time
BSB. I get where you're coming from. There has been a lot of rumour and misinformation. My wife and I have no intention of selling POLY anyway so it made sense to remain with HL. We were moving to ii but I cancelled it all after the announcement that we will get divis by leaving them with HL. ii confirmed that if I didn't get certificates they would liquidate holdings. I didn't want that I also didn't want to share a lot of sensitive ID information with Taby's. Just wasn't comfortable with it. As for the spilt I am quite happy just with the POLYk side as I have a very low average price. Things everywhere seem to be moving fast. Who knows in a couple of months HL might announce they will trade on the the AIX. I think everyone's needs and situation is different. One size doesn't fit all !Its just a matter of due diligence and getting the correct info !
Looks like HL have got a better offer if you don't want to risk transferring to another broker
Big Blue everyone calls you all sort of names. I don't like name calling and I disagree with you and others on here who are negative. We invested in POLY in good faith years ago. We are fortunate if it goes down to nothing it's not a big issue for my wife and me. It is for some I know. All your doom laden diatribes (Like sub 140p after the meeting today) I and I think most in here just ignore. It is what it is. Someone on here actually called me an ignorant investor. (Wasn't you BTW) I have been investing since I was 13 ! Networking with other with the same interests is good. We have had to negotiate a very tricky route many investors have never had to. If we all had crystal balls and saw this war coming then most would have bailed at £15! Sadly we don't! It is a horrible fact we get the negatives; the nut jobs and down right trolls on here who are horrible to people. Saying things people they would never say to anyone's face. Cowards behind a Keyboard. Best ignored and in need of psychiatric treatment
Well. As an intentional long term holder of POLY after the dust settled this afternoon I called ii. They were clear I had either the paper certificate option and open a brokerage account (Taby's) or face liquidation. In the light of the HL announcement where if we do nothing the shares will be held by HL on our behalf and we still l get divis . I have now cancelled my transfer. to ii I am happy to lock in long term and eventually see the shares return to a tradable exchange. As regards Taby's I looked at the Poly info on this. I am not comfortable with giving selfies; my passport details; and bank card photographs to someone I don't know. The end result of this fanny on is the same. You can get divis; vote; but not trade..The same deal that HL offer without me doing anything. I know BB and a couple of other trolls will verbally abuse. Don't care . Spent the afternoon doing research and doing what is best for my wife and myself. Good luck all hope you do what is in your own best interests.
Looks to me as if there is no need to g down the Toby's route. I am considering cancelling my transfer to HL. ii wont be happy. HL should have been clearer form May 10th tho
Thanks for that aGent
IN what way Agent... MY transfer to ii is in process would you think it wise to stay with HL after all?
HL say they will hold the shares "for you on the Kazakstan register"
Just has a message from HL. One choice is to leave the shares with them and we will still be able to vote and receive divis. So what is the point of transferring to another broker and fanning on with certificates passports etc? I am in the process of transferring to ii and wonder if I just as well leave it with HL
Thanks for that Just
OK so there is no actual webcast. Seems a bit odd.
I cant get the webcast link to work even though In signed up for it
I tried the link on the Polymetal webpage and its the briefing from 10th. Anyone know the link for todays meeting?
I tried the same on Thursday I had an email from them asking why I had not completed my application I explained the issue. The woman replied quickly and said they are trying to resolve the problem. No timescales however!
Had to laugh
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