Implausible Crypto Narrative21 Jun 2024 18:39
What else is utterly implausible and an insult to our intelligence is that Truspine “acquired its Tether holdings in one payment from an investor… There was no speculation in cryptocurrency,” Nothing to see here, according to Mr Miller.
We are expected to believe that:
a. somebody wanted to subscribe £300k for shares in USDT,
b. the Company bizarrely accepted this subscription denominated in USDT which are Ethereum based units on a crypto trading platform,
c. the Company labelled it “digital assets” and left an effective US deposit sitting fairly idle for a long period while not paying essential vendors and not developing its only product.
We know this because Peter Houghton confirmed: “I could not understand nor receive any clear answers as to why a spine development company was not making development a priority.”
And we are told the key vendor referred to in the Admissions Document, stopping work a few days before Listing: ““As we discussed in our team meeting yesterday with both the Lincotek and TrueSpine [sic] people present, Truspine has not come current on their financial obligations,” Lincotek’s Dan Triplett wrote in the email on August 11, seen by City A.M… “To that end, and as discussed in the conference call yesterday, all engineering work will immediately cease on this project,” Triplett added.
Mr Miller wants us to believe they had £300k sitting in a USDT “deposit” account, not multi-bagging in BTC or ETH, while the key product development company downed tools because of non-payment!!!!
And how the hell did this company get signed off for Listing by the BoD and all the advisers on 19 August 2020, when the key product development company had stopped work a few days before, yet funds were sitting on a crypto platform????