Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
Thank you Gus
Someone bought 750k at 1619, maybe that will boost us in the morning but probably not
1807 buy was me
Well here we are again on the eve of another bunch of rollocks.
I have read many things and heard many opinions.
I cannot in good conscience vote for any of the major parties as they are all incompetent, I don't trust them, their policy does not align with mine.
However it's seems with my geographical move I fall in a constituency that 'The Official Monster Raving Loony Party' have a candidate.
I read through thier 'Manicfesto' and out of all my options they seem the most appealing currently!
For your enjoyment and a bit of light hearted humour I have placed a copy below for your enjoyment!
MANICFESTO A - Z policies
A. AIR bags will be fitted to the Stock Exchange immediately, ready for the next crash.
B. BLACK is the new green, oil and coal will be classified as green energy.
C. CLIMATE. We will reinstate the four seasons as they used to be.
D. DATA will be secured, placed in a brown bag and hidden in the PM's socks and pants drawer.
E. ELECTIONS, All political materal to printed on soft toilet paper, so that it can be recycled in the appropriate manor.
F. FRIVOLOUS Fraud Office setup to inspect fraud too silly for the Serious Fraud Office.
G. GREYHOUND racing will be banned to prevent the country going to the dogs.
H. HALF the grey squirrels will be painted red to increase the red squirrel population 1.
I. IMMIGRATION. Boats from France to be attached to a 10 mile bungee cable.
J. JOBSEEKERS will be made to stand two abreast in order to halve dole queues.
K. KIDS will be made to sit closer together on smaller desks in to reduce school class sizes.
L LEVELLING UP. Always have a drink in both hands.
M. MOT. We will introduce an ROT, an annual test to make sure all roads are car worthy
N. NINETY-NINE pence coin to make pennies obsolete.
O. OAPS will qualify for a Summer Ice Lolly Allowance if temperatures exceed 70 degrees.
P. PUDDLES deeper than 3 inches will be marked by a yellow plastic duck.
Q. QUITTERS will encouraged not to start in the first place to improve their self esteem.
R. REGULATIONS concerning car boot sales will be relaxed to permit selling of all car parts.
S. SOCKS to be sold in threes, so when you lose one, you still have a pair.
T. THE NHS. In order to cut the burden, reduce childbirth from 9 months to 7 months.
U. UNRULY teenagers will be superglued together as if you can't beat them, join them.
V. VEHICLES will be fitted with bungy ropes in order to save fuel on the return journey.
W. WELNEY WASH to become one way only, therefore only half the road gets flooded.
X. X-RAY machines will be manned by a skeleton staff.
Y. YELLOW lines will be painted where you can park instead of where you can't to save money.
Z. ZEBRA crossings will be made permissible to all animals wishing cross the road.
Reform here too, have you seen the heritage party?
Similar to Reform
Our good friend Liz truss (grrrrr) is my current MP, she need to do something that's not politics in my opinion
How can you tell its a buy or sell? It's grey not blue or red
I just topped up a bit. 2 buys from me 30.02 and 49.99
Why so quiet all of a sudden?
Have you all gone out knocking doors election campaigning?
What are the thoughts on the results of the election and how they might affect BOR?
Another article saying similar things
As I said I'm very, very small fry at 56650 shares (hoping to add another £50.00 worth on pay day), so doubt my frugal amount will help much in percentage terms.
@ Gus
You can use my name to get a good seat! Lol
Small by your guys investing standards I'm sure but as Tesco's say every little helps
Any thoughts on the current middle east goings on?
Oil prices etc
Gus, I've been in here since 7 June 2022, so pushing towards my 2 year medal
@gus, I have 3 grey hairs now, care to take a punt on how many I will have by the time they get this turned around?
All the best
I didn't
I just put a limit buy of 0.0295 on my free-trade account for my monthly £50.00 top up.
I'll let you know in the morning what I get it for
What does the budget mean for us if anything?
From what I have briefly had time to scan through it the levy is being held until 2029.
And why has UKOG gone up like that?
Still learning
First of all to all the regular posters, thank you for all your banter and opinions here.
Looking at trends with BOR it seems to me they spike up sometime between late January and mid March each year, why is this?
I have been in since June 2022.
Compared to you lot I am very small fry and have over time built up just about 50k shares and managed to keep an average of 2.82p per share.
Best regards