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Share Price Information for TekCapital (TEK)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 9.75
Bid: 9.50
Ask: 10.00
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Spread: 0.50 (5.263%)
Open: 9.75
High: 10.00
Low: 9.75
Prev. Close: 9.75

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Orosur, Tekcapital, CleanTech Lithium, Luminex speak at London South East

We kicked off September with four terrific companies presenting live on London South East. We were joined from Perth, Australia by  Orosur Mining  ( OMI ) CEO Brad George on the day they...


Tekcapital CEO Clifford Gross gives operational update, confirms Salarius IPO planning is underway

We kicked off September with four terrific companies presenting live on London South East on Tuesday, September 6th. Tekcapital ( TEK ) CEO Clifford Gross Ph.D joined us live from Florida and...


Tekcapital Chair Dr Clifford Gross said he was 'genuinely excited' about future growth prospects

Executive Chairman Dr Clifford Gross joined London South East on the day the latest set of Half Year Results were released, and told us he was 'very happy with them' as he summarised progress. 'The...


Tekcapital CEO pleased with strong H1 results and 56% rise in NAV, confident better to come

We caught up with Dr Cliff Gross, CEO at Tekcapital (TEK) , the UK intellectual property investment group focused on transforming university discoveries, and he talked us through the results for...


Tekcapital CEO confirms intention to pay special dividend when each portfolio company floats/sells

It was a delight to be joined live from Miami by Dr Clifford Gross, CEO of AIM-listed IP company Tekcapital (TEK) . Cliff was speaking at London South East's July webinar, and he confirmed the...


AIM IP specialist Tekcapital to sell or float all four portfolio companies 'within 2 years'

In an exclusive announcement, Tekcapital (LSE:TEK) CEO Dr Clifford Gross told London South East that all four of his portfolio companies are making excellent commercial progress, with both ...


What's Hot from Sept. 21st #MONY #TEK #IAG #WTB #VAL

Phasers at the ready with Boris Johnson's third Covid address to the nation. What's the future for travel and tourism investments and was the move to The Innovation Centre the fillip...


Major OEM to lab test Guident regenerative shock absorbers soon

Guident, the autonomous vehicle software developer based in Miami and 100% owned by AIM-listed Tekcapital #TEK , told London South East that laboratory tests with a major automotive OEM for...


Covid 19 What's Hot #CWK #VRP #SMIN #GKN #FARN #N4P #SNG #GDR #TEK #NCYT #VRE

Sarah highlights the companies crusading to find Covid-19 cures and formulate solutions that will alleviate the symptoms and legacy of the pandemic. Honourable mentions include Verona Pharma,...


What's hot during the coronavirus cold

As global stock markets respond to the spread of the coronavirus, it's business as usual with a full reporting schedule in the UK. There's other disruption in the form of a shareholder activist...


SP Angel see H1 FDA approval for rapidly commercialising Tekcapital prospect #TEK

Our guests today are Tania McIver, Special Situations Analyst and Liam Gascoigne-Cohen, Healthcare Analyst at SP Angel. SP Angel work as both Broker and Nomad for Tekcapital, who buy and...


What's Hot from April 1st 2019

From April Fools to full steam ahead for the new trading quarter. Sarah discusses why the colour purple is good for Tekcapital's (LON:TEK) portfolio company Guident, how G3's Randeep Grewal...


#TEK: University IP technology incubator Tekcapital posts strong Full-Year results

In a video interview with London South East, Tekcapital Chairman Dr Clifford Gross said that the portfolio had grown nicely over the year, with net asset value rising by 51%, which was a record for...

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