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Directors Deals for POLY.L (POLY)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
31-Dec-2131-Dec-21Notification of HoldingVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis---3,387,400
29-Apr-2127-Apr-21BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,559.50GBX1,30021,300
23-Apr-2121-Apr-21Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--47,2493,385,985
13-Apr-2112-Apr-21BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,466.00GBX72020,000
22-Mar-2119-Mar-21Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--10,9683,338,736
18-Mar-2116-Mar-21BuyIan Cockerill held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Ian Cockerill1,514.37GBX1,50016,800
11-Mar-2110-Mar-21BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,468.92GBX30019,280
04-Mar-2103-Mar-21BuyAndrea Abt held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andrea Abt17.10EUR1,5001,500
29-Jan-2127-Jan-21BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,601.75GBX48018,980
12-Jan-2108-Jan-21BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,766.40GBX30018,500
31-Dec-2031-Dec-20Notification of HoldingKonstantin Yanakov held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Konstantin Yanakov---2,241
08-Oct-2006-Oct-20BuyIan Cockerill held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Ian Cockerill1,652.00GBX1,00015,300
25-Sep-2024-Sep-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,678.99GBX60018,200
23-Sep-2022-Sep-20BuyIan Cockerill held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Ian Cockerill1,682.00GBX1,00014,300
23-Sep-2022-Sep-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,683.00GBX60017,600
21-Jul-2016-Jul-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,616.50GBX40817,000
21-Jul-2016-Jul-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,616.00GBX34317,000
21-Jul-2016-Jul-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,615.50GBX1,93317,000
21-Jul-2016-Jul-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,615.00GBX31217,000
21-Jul-2016-Jul-20BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,614.50GBX2,00414,004
07-Jul-2011-Jun-20BuyItalia Boninelli held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Italia Boninelli1,470.00GBX71,460
07-Jul-2015-Jun-20BuyItalia Boninelli held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Italia Boninelli1,538.50GBX71,453
07-Jul-2003-Jul-20BuyItalia Boninelli held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Italia Boninelli1,592.00GBX7161,453
07-Jul-2006-Jul-20BuyItalia Boninelli held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Italia Boninelli1,573.50GBX7301,453
23-Jun-2019-Jun-20SellVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis1,500.00GBX10,0003,327,768
01-May-2030-Apr-20Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--6,6943,327,768
01-May-2030-Apr-20Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--36,7973,321,074
13-Mar-2012-Mar-20Buy DividendsVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--8673,284,277
13-Mar-2012-Mar-20Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--10,1803,283,410
12-Sep-1910-Sep-19BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira1,120.23GBX8,00012,000
13-Jun-1911-Jun-19BuyIan Cockerill held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Ian Cockerill888.60GBX6,80013,300
10-Jun-1907-Jun-19BuyIan Cockerill held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Ian Cockerill875.40GBX6,5006,500
01-May-1930-Apr-19Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--3,3053,273,230
01-May-1930-Apr-19Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--17,9313,273,230
02-Apr-1928-Mar-19BuyM L S De Sousa-Oliveira held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M L S De Sousa-Oliveira860.95GBX4,0004,000
21-Mar-1920-Mar-19Transfer FromMaxim Nazimok held the position of CFO at the time of this trade.Maxim Nazimok--8,40233,852
21-Mar-1920-Mar-19Transfer FromVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--8,9333,251,994
18-Jul-1817-Jul-18BuyChristine Coignard held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Christine Coignard659.96GBX5,5005,500
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyMarina Groenberg held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Marina Groenberg812.30GBX6,00023,400
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyMarina Groenberg held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Marina Groenberg817.00GBX1,40023,400
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis812.00GBX1,9823,201,412
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis811.50GBX3,9293,201,412
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis812.50GBX20,0003,201,412
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis811.50GBX10,6703,201,412
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis811.00GBX7033,201,412
21-Sep-1719-Sep-17BuyVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis809.50GBX12,7163,201,412
02-Dec-1630-Nov-16BuyMarina Groenberg held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Marina Groenberg765.30GBX2,50016,000
14-Oct-1611-Oct-16BuyMarina Groenberg held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Marina Groenberg866.00GBX2,50013,500
20-Jun-1616-Jun-16Transfer ToMarina Groenberg held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Marina Groenberg--11,00011,000
31-Mar-1631-Mar-16Buy DividendsVitaly Nesis held the position of Group Chief Executive at the time of this trade.Vitaly Nesis--1,2683,129,133

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