Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
Once again StayLong - an excellent post. So refreshing to see people with a real interest in a company posting from a factual perspective - unlike idiots like MJ Wand! Think that's the first time I've actually posted an insult, but idiots like him cause confusion amongst those least able to determine what is fact and what is just gross BS.
MJ Wand - rarely, if ever have I sought to comment directly upon an individual - rather prefer to leave my comments to the facts. However, I'm afraid MJ Wand that you really do need to be pulled up over you woefully incorrect comments and pathetic attempts at trying to denigrate, what is undoubtedly the best investment opportunity on the market right now. You know full well that the figure of £6m is simply a lie - I will repeat again - there is no minimum market value required for an AIM listing. There is absolutely no "fluff" from management - a company with such a stellar BOD and proven track record doesn't need to "fluff" anything.
You really should restrict your comments to factual matters and not write such drivel!
Another point that I think is relevant, is the quality of the Board members. Simply check out their CVs and that tells you so much about where this company is heading. People of this quality do not simply sign up for a fee - they themselves believe in the business- after all it’s also their reputation on the line. The latest addition announced today is just the icing on the cake as far as personal are concerned and what they will bring to the party.
StayLong - totally agree - I've been saying for sometime, that this company probably represents the best opportunity for investor capital growth on the market - currently the main, but soon to be AIM. Its going through an enormous metamorphous from being a grant dependent entity to one that will shortly generate its own significant profitable cash flow. Its a shame that those like Nate and MJ Wand can't see that.
The seller is likely to be Boughtwood - he’s no longer a director therefore not bound by the Regulatory control that he previously was when a director. I suspect he’s a tad miffed with being removed and possibly thinks by selling is his way of potentially damaging the SP short term and his ex colleagues opportunities - if so, then a very short sighted and misinformed view.
The company is still in its transition from a grant dependency to one of generating its own commercial income, which is likely to be huge. Don’t judge on today’s price - medium to long term it will be many multiples from today.
After the debacle with MB, this just re-enforces how switched on and in tune with their market the BOD are. Not only have they appointed a chap with serious industry expertise, but also one with extremely useful contacts fit the company moving forward.
I’ve held a significant stake ever since the ex Tesla guys took over - I stand by my earlier comments that this is a stand out opportunity in AIM.
Patience is the name of the game here - ignore the “10x today” comments. This will increase substantially once contracts are announced.
The BOD are doing everything right by building solid foundations and clearing house.
Rhena. - I only post when I think a correction is necessary in order to make the poster aware of their errors and negate any potential impact on the company in question. From the replies so far, it’s clear that negation is not an issue - no one gives any credence to your posts - I include myself in that.
KOD has proven expert and knowledgeable leadership. It has proven resources and is fully funded to production. I really don’t understand your concerns about the location- the risks are no greater in Mali, than in most other mining/exploration countries.
I’m afraid that “your vast experience” in investing is sadly lacking in this instance.
Simply amazing interview- an AIM company with a genuine leader who fully understands the product, market and industry in which the company operates. There are so many interesting points raised by Bernie - I would encourage anyone interested in KOD to listen very carefully to what Bernie says - the next couple of RNS, I suspect, will be exceptional. For me, his comments on further drilling and resource update are key to the SP increasing again.
Scratch - you are correct- if this board was restricted to serious investors - small, medium or large, it would be so much a better place. Everyone is entitled to express an opinion, but when some are simply ignorant, rude or completely baseless, then those such individuals should be banned. Having said that, I doubt that serious investors pay any attention and more importantly, with companies like DGI, such individuals have zero impact on the SP.
Let’s be really clear about DGI - I’ve said this many times before- this is simply a stand out opportunity - once production and/or licensing takes place, this is one share that will deliver many multiples of it’s current price.
I have researched the company in great detail and those now at the helm. Anyone doing similar research would come to the same conclusion- a real stand out opportunity.
Swazers - you seem to miss one very fundamental issue here when trying to use DGI’s SP against your alledged charts. Charts are generally used as a support tool for investors on long established companies with an established trading record. Whilst DGI has been around for a while, it is still in its formative and somewhat transitional stage- using charts on such an entity is a complete and utter waste of time. Charts have no bearing on what this company will be delivering shortly. For someone who seems to have a basic understanding of investment, I’m surprised you made such an elementary mistake. I’ll be interested to hear you comments on charts when DGI’s SP is a multiple of where it is today.
I find it inconceivable that his wife wasn't aware of the regulations - quite frankly using that as an excuse is laughable.
The key point here though, is that it was Broughtwood's wife - not the wife of any of the three new directors. Whilst this appears a breach of market/reporting guidelines, I cannot for one moment think that this affects the operational or administrative side of the business. The potential here is still as huge as it was before this announcement. Its far too easy on these boards to get sucked under by a headline - wise investors will always look behind such stories and decide what if any impact such a story would have on the business in its entirety. This will pass, albeit someone will get a slap on the wrist - we can then continue to focus on the tremendous potential of DGI.
Some fairly decent logic put forward re valuation. One issue though that seems to have been overlooked is that the suggested valuations only take into account the current project. As the company moves forward with production, it will become cash generative - I doubt that the BOD will simply sit back and be satisfied with just this one mine. Most mining companies when cash generative, will be looking for ways to spin up the cash being generated. IMHO, this will lead to further opportunities/sites being sought. If that becomes the case, then the value can only increase. As a LTH, I'm not too fussed what the value will be in a few months time - for me, even with this single mine and the gold opportunities, this is a stand out investment on AIM. add in the aforementioned potential and this could well go on to being an outstanding opportunity. In any event, even if we just stick with the current project, the SP will increase several fold from its current price.
A company with probably world beating products - eventually. The problem is the operational costs - 189 employees - total operational costs c.£23.3m. Effectively, that means that the company needs T/O of £23m just to break even - last year's T/O just over £2.0m. Ten fold increase needed if costs remain static. Would be a shame for this to go down, but any smart potential purchaser will undoubtedly wait for Administration and look to simply buy the assets by way of pre-pack and leave the debt behind.
Further capital raises would be almost impossible, given the amount needed when taking into account the current share price. Hope that it doesn't go down - we need more companies like this in the UK - albeit ones that have a BOD who are more financially astute.