RNS's extracts29 Sep 2022 15:39
I wonder if we will get a RNS next week from the real time results? maybe more info on FQM's roll too.
Ive just invested over last couple of weeks, would appreciate if someone could clarify something for me.
Are we still awaiting Brunton pass results? I can only find that they were trenching on 20/07/22.
RNS 29/09/22
We look forward to working with Richard and with FQM and to our first joint technical meeting with FQM which is due to be held next week."
RNS 27/09/22
· Up to approx. 1,600 samples to be collected on a 200m x 40m grid with initial field analysis of samples using portable XRF analyser ("pXRF") delivering results in real time.