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Posted in: VOD
Posts: 1,126
Price: 75.14
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It knot lookin goode agane sadley toodaye, upp a bitt and thene backe downe agane. Were it wille stope nobody nose. I has deecided knot too by aney.
Price: 74.78
Thyis is verey hoppfull wiv the waye forwerd
Posted in: NG.
Price: 843.20
I were finking off doin somme trolling hear bute I ain't fealing up too it toodaye sadley.
Price: 73.96
It knot goin up muche agane sadley toodaye and knot goin downe muche
Price: 74.54
Avoset 321 , wot is you goin on abowt agane?
Price: 73.88
Avoset 321 He is quite numb Cos Mr Guttersnipe esquire Have ignored his dumb rum Filtered he be Forever moore Cos I has chosen To ignore 😂
Price: 74.02
Avoset 321, you is filterred so don't keap bovverin me
Price: 74.00
Wott a misrable lott on hear. It is knot my fauwt the share is downe. Takin out you're frusttrasion on me, it jus knot fare agane sadley...
Price: 74.18
Asoset321, you is makking know sence, pleese fynd sommeone else too bovver, you is borring me know...
Avoset 321, i is finking abowt filltering you witch I hasn't dune befour, butt you is becomming a bitt off a pest I'm afrade sadley
You is a verey strainge inddiveidual avoset 321. You culd be a bit menntal maiby?
Avoset 321, I is jus sayeing wot I sea. Why is you obbsessed wiv me and noboddy else? You is allways questtioning me for know reeson...
Price: 74.46
Mooving deepe into the redde agane sadley We is gonna be luky to reech a £ bye Crismas I is finking abowt sadley
Price: 74.92
Mickey 89, theirs know nead too be unkind
Redde agane sadley toodaye, I were afrade off thys hapening agane.
Price: 75.32
UnnlugyInvestor, yes, sadley is whate I sayd obiusley
I has gott a bade fealing abowt Vodefone agane. Mite be beste to putt on you're older army hellmet tomorrow if you has surved. Don't saye Mr Guttersnipe esquire hasn't warned you...
Price: 75.54
Startin too rolle owver agane sadley toodaye Culd Finnish in the redde I is fealing Hoppe I is wrong, butte I is knot offten wrong as you all nose
Price: 75.62
We is upp a bitt todaye butte will it laste I is afrade a big drope might be comming agane sadley We will sea...
Price: 75.24
Teribbel daye agane sadley toodaye We wil never gett too a pownd att this rayt We is loste if it don't reccover soon I'm afrade
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