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Pin to quick picksOracle Power Directors Deals (ORCP)

Share Price Information for Oracle Power (ORCP)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 0.0165
Bid: 0.016
Ask: 0.017
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Spread: 0.001 (6.25%)
Open: 0.017
High: 0.017
Low: 0.015
Prev. Close: 0.017

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Directors Deals for Oracle Power (ORCP)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
07-Mar-2306-Mar-23BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins17.50GBX105,1411,071,056
07-Mar-2306-Mar-23BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.18GBX691,717114,295,788
07-Mar-2306-Mar-23BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.18GBX78,85624,935,520
09-Feb-2308-Feb-23BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.20GBX605,253113,604,071
09-Feb-2308-Feb-23BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.20GBX91,998965,915
09-Feb-2308-Feb-23BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.20GBX68,99924,856,664
17-Jan-2316-Jan-23BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.22GBX550,229112,998,818
17-Jan-2316-Jan-23BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.22GBX83,635873,917
17-Jan-2316-Jan-23BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.22GBX62,76224,787,665
09-Nov-2208-Nov-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.30GBX61,605713,617
09-Nov-2208-Nov-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.30GBX81,0599,813,145
09-Nov-2208-Nov-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.30GBX405,296111,944,212
09-Nov-2208-Nov-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.30GBX46,20424,667,440
11-Oct-2210-Oct-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.25GBX73,926652,012
11-Oct-2210-Oct-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.25GBX97,2719,732,086
11-Oct-2210-Oct-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.25GBX486,358111,538,916
11-Oct-2210-Oct-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.25GBX55,44524,621,236
09-Aug-2208-Aug-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.32GBX75,9939,634,815
09-Aug-2208-Aug-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.32GBX57,755578,086
09-Aug-2208-Aug-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.32GBX379111,052,558
09-Aug-2208-Aug-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.32GBX43,31624,565,791
07-Jul-2206-Jul-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.27GBX66,046520,331
07-Jul-2206-Jul-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.27GBX86,9039,558,822
07-Jul-2206-Jul-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.27GBX434,516110,672,591
07-Jul-2206-Jul-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.27GBX49,53524,522,475
14-Jun-2213-Jun-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.30GBX57,755454,285
14-Jun-2213-Jun-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.30GBX43,31624,472,940
14-Jun-2213-Jun-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.30GBX379,966110,238,075
14-Jun-2213-Jun-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.30GBX75,9939,471,919
06-May-2205-May-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.33GBX75,9779,395,926
06-May-2205-May-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.33GBX57,742396,530
06-May-2205-May-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.33GBX379,884109,858,109
06-May-2205-May-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.33GBX43,30724,429,624
08-Apr-2207-Apr-22Notification of HoldingNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon---109,478,225
06-Apr-2205-Apr-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge3.24GBX69,4809,319,949
06-Apr-2205-Apr-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins3.24GBX52,805338,788
06-Apr-2205-Apr-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed3.24GBX39,60324,386,317
06-Apr-2205-Apr-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon3.24GBX347,398109,478,225
08-Mar-2207-Mar-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.31GBX72,8759,250,469
08-Mar-2207-Mar-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.31GBX50,034285,983
08-Mar-2207-Mar-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.31GBX382,641109,130,827
08-Mar-2207-Mar-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.31GBX34,87524,346,714
08-Feb-2207-Feb-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.34GBX47,915235,949
08-Feb-2207-Feb-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.34GBX75,6539,177,594
08-Feb-2207-Feb-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.34GBX378,262108,748,186
08-Feb-2207-Feb-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.34GBX43,12224,311,839
10-Jan-2207-Jan-22BuyDavid (Sam) Hutchins held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.David (Sam) Hutchins0.43GBX35,796188,034
10-Jan-2207-Jan-22BuyNaheed Memon held the position of CEO and Executive director at the time of this trade.Naheed Memon0.43GBX282,589108,369,924
10-Jan-2207-Jan-22BuyAndreas Migge held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andreas Migge0.43GBX56,5189,101,941
10-Jan-2207-Jan-22BuyMark Steed held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Mark Steed0.43GBX32,21524,268,717

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