Andrada Mining’s earn-in agreement with SQM is value-accretive partnership. Watch the interview here.
I have said for months now that the price would go to 2p before shishir takes the company private. I am saying it again, and again,AND AGAIN Everyone who mocked my comments can eat their words as this company has been destroyed by shishir and puruvi, not forgetting Hemant, he is also very involved with this game they are playing. Will be 3p shortly, then 2p. then watch what happens!!!DYOR
I have said for months now that the price would go to 2p before shishir takes the company private. I am saying it again, and again,AND AGAIN Everyone who mocked my comments can eat their words as this company has been destroyed by shishir and puruvi, not forgetting Hemant, he is also very involved with this game they are playing. Will be 3p shortly, then 2p. then watch what happens!!!DYOR
While its good to debate what has happened and also what has gone wrong and the ways to fix then, lets not be fooled into thinking shishir has been honest with investors. This in reality is the crux of the financial situation he has put the company in. Just look at all the lies he has come out with. If truth be told he has lied about the Imminent tax rebate, he has lied about the targets he said he would hit. The main problem is he doesn't have anyone looking over his shoulder to check what he is doing. He did have a number of NED's who were looking over his shoulder and low and behold he got rid of every one of them. in quick succession. There has been absolutely NO corporate Governance within the company for a long time now. We dont even have a CFO. He promised one but guess what. Yes he has lied again. This situation which he has created himself is deliberate as it has allowed him to lie extensively about the graphite tonnage being taken out of the ground since no one can challenge wether he mines 200 tons or 2000 tons in any single day, week, or month etc. The amount he declares has always much less that the amount he mines. This has been going on for a long time now. This is why the targets he sets can never be get reached since he doesn't ever declare it all. More than half of what he does NOT declare is sold on by Pranagraf and his other companies. If the targets he set were reached (by this I mean if he didnt syphon off over half the graphite for himself) TGR would be flying right now. We wouldn't need any funding whatsoever. We would be cash positive. The problem we will continually face is once the meeting takes place and IF he stays UNWATCHED, there will be no one to stop him continuing the same way he has been doing for so long now. And that will ultimately lead to a share price that is worse than todays pathetic price. We will then soon be worth nothing and the company gets taken private for nothing or next to nothing. Shareholders need to act now or we will lose everything. He must not be allowed to continue unsupervised. Anyone disagreeing with this course of action imho is either not invested in the company or they want the company taken private. DYOR
Shishie and his daughter are millionaires for one reason only. They are stealing our graphite and selling it to one of their other companies. Is this is ehat you call a GOID businessman then your as corrupt as he is. You really are a piece of excrament saluc. Our investment is being robber from us on a daily basis right under our noses while you call poddar a good businessman. Poodar and you deserve each other. Dyor
Saluc, of all the stupid comments you have made on here your last sentence is by far the worst one liner anyone could utter regarding shishir being a good businessman. He has put TGR on life support while stealing our graphite from us. 5P a share from 150p. Pranagraf are loaded as they keep getting our graphite at stupidly low prices. Both himself and his daughter are now multi millionaires according to Indian rich list survey. All this in the last 3 years. Guess where the money came from? DYOR
Saluc, your just a puppet that has nothing to say except that your master shishir. If shishir tells you to start talking the truth will you do it? Go on we dare you. Problem is you won't do anything till your master says so. Try to do some research saluc, before its too late.
How do you know this Harchris ? Did Hemant contact you and tell you this and if not then how do we know what your claiming is true???
Harchris - how can Hemant be part of this requisition group when they collectively own 5.8% of the company? Hemant owns at least one third of TGR which is at least 10% or more since there are only 3 of them, shishir, Puruvi, and Hemant. We also know the family own at least 30% if not more of the company. Explain please????
People saying Hemant is part of this group who are set to put shishir in his place. This has not been proved as there is no evidence been shown. There was another post tge other day saying Hemant has bought land in Madagascar and is starting his own graphite company. Where is the proof of this ? ??
Typical move by shishir to keep shareholders apart offering 1 to 1 meetings. He knows shareholders are strong together so like he did last year he wants more 1 to 1's. This guy is so devious. People be aware divided we are weak.. together we are strong.. we want what was promised to us. TSG must be brought back ASAP. Otherwise he and putuv must ge punished. DROR
Well said Fairdealer. Shishir has to have an open meeting with all shareholders and not single people in a room with him telling then the grass is greener etc.we née to let him know this is not the way forward. Dyor
Some great posts today from lots of holders including Johnojohno-harikiri...Whatwhatkid -luvsushi -mineralholder - fairdealer20 and zan_TM.. its great to see this board is finally starting to look like we have some shareholders who actually care about what happens to their money. Whichever way you all vote is entirely your right regardless what I or anyone else says to try to persuade you otherwise. As for you Drewsteveo - the meat on the bones will be revealed in the right place at the right time my friend....oh and Saluc try to pay attention, We are exceedingly unhappy with management (which currently consists only of shishir and pouruvi) along with a gofer who reminds me of you. Dyor
Can someone explain why shishir is afraid to have a shareholder meeting? He is going back to 1 to 1 meetings which takes weeks if not months before shareholders get to hear what has been said and discussed. Harikiri and drealjohnjohno -firstly I'm not part of the twitter group and I'm not Herman poddar. I'm also not shishir. Neither am I that chap whathatkid. I'm tomorrowtoday. A shareholder who has every right to express his views. Dyor
Why is the share price at 5p. Is it my fault? Is it the twitter groups fault. Is it your fault? Who's fault is it?. In every business the responsibility always lies with the people who call the shots. The ones who rule the school. The ones who decide which path the company takes. its them who are responsible for where the company ends up. Remember we are all here not just for the ride. We are all here to make a profit. We don't get to make any decisions though. That responsibity lies with management. All those important decisions are made by management. Higher management that is. Lower management report to higher management and higher management make the decisions that ultimitely decide what happens to the company. In Syrah's case (AUSTRALIAN Graphite company soon to be producer) its at least 12 to 15 people who make the company decisions which includes the CEO and MD and the CFO plus Exec and non exce directors etc. In TGR's case (our case) it's Shishir and NO ONE ELSE!!! He alone decides how TGR is run and who gets to see what and who get to do what and also who gets to keep what. He has all the power in the world of TGR right at his fingertips. He can hire, fire, reinstate, and make up any new policies he wants. He can do as he chooses and no one, no one (except for his daughter puruvi) can disagree with him. His rules are his rules and we the shareholders are replaceable, if we dissagree, just like the NED's who were fired. In fact we the shareholders are at the very bottom on the pile when it comes to respect. Why? Because we are replaceable. Shishir knows theres plenty more investors in the sea willing to take a chance on TGR. I mean after all, TGR has graphite in the ground. And lots of it. So as long as he can rule the school he can keep making money. The money he makes doesn't have to be for one company. And no one can challenge him since he is the boss. His current wealth in the double digit millions (pounds). That's just his personal wealth. If you look at the companies he is part of excluding TGR then you can double that wealth. Oh and no one can stop him. Why?. Because there is NO ONE to stop him. Its only him in the driving seat. And why would anyone want to stop him from creating wealth for himself. Perhaps because there is no IMMINENT tax rebate... perhaps because TSG belongs to shishir and not to TGR shareholders... perhaps because there is no Governance within the company....perhaps becaust the share price is 5p....perhaps...perhaps...perhaps... I can go on and on...PERHAPS THAT IS UNTIL NOW. Now this twitter group who are comprised of 2 of the sacked NED's (who have seen first hand how he has been ruling the school all by himself and filling his pockets with TGR company funds) and these ex NED's are like us, they are shareholders in TGR. Perhaps they can instill Governance so shishir cannot make more new rules which line his own pockets and instead he has to start sharing the wealth that TGR shareholders have brought about. DY
We have contacted LSE and requested they reinstate the video where shishir tells every shareholder what he will do with the 6 million pounds he raise. In the meantime I've paissing myself laughing at a few comments. Can I suggest everyone read Derwstevo's posts. Please read his /her posts as they are totally shishir positive. Even though the language he/she uses is not quite what a UK resident would use, its such fun to read this shishir stooge attempting to trash anyone who doesn't like the current situation. Aside from this we all know Saluc is a shishir stooge. We know he's now being paid a decreased meagre salary since he's been found out to a poddar parrot stooge but things being as they are it would be difficult for saluc to get another job so he's hanging on in here. GOOD NEWS IS ON THE WAY FOLKS. DYOR
Has anyone noticed the IPO video from December 2020 has been remover from this page? Guess who did that? Now guess why he did that? Thats right - He doesn't want NEW and potential investors knowing what he promised to do with the 6 MILLION UK POUNDS HE GOT when TGR listed back in 2020. This video must remain in the public domain so every investor NEW AND OLD knows what we were promised at IPO. This video confirms what the 6 million pounds given to him was for. Can I suggest TGR investors contact LSE and ask them to re-add it this page. It's our reference point which every investor (old, new and potential) has a right to see.
Good call Whatwhatkid. We have sent a message to PFK. in the meantime every shareholder should read the facts surrounding the reasons for this meeting. Imho this meeting will be very good for shareholders wether its wins or loses. one man (shishir) shouldn't be allowed to have this much control over TGR. there is no other company that I know on the LSE that has one guy running the whole show. Ask yourselves why? The answer is simple. ITS NOT ALLOWED. We need Governance. We are the owners of TSG yet shishir sells the majority of OUR graphite to TSG (Parangraf) and keeps the profit. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes that has dragged us down to where we are now. DYOR
Brought. Perhaps...just perhaps investors might decide enough is enough and vote for Governance. We deserve better. Dyor
Why is the share price at 5p. Is it my fault? Is it the twitter groups fault. Is it your fault? Who's fault is it?. In every business the responsibility always lies with the people who call the shots. The ones who rule the school. The ones who decide which path the company takes. its them who are responsible for where the company ends up. Remember we are all here not just for the ride. We are all here to make a profit. We don't get to make any decisions though. That responsibity lies with management. All those important decisions are made by management. Higher management that is. Lower management report to higher management and higher management make the decisions that ultimitely decide what happens to the company. In Syrah's case (AUSTRALIAN Graphite company soon to be producer) its at least 12 to 15 people who make the company decisions which includes the CEO and MD and the CFO plus Exec and non exce directors etc. In TGR's case (our case) it's Shishir and NO ONE ELSE!!! He alone decides how TGR is run and who gets to see what and who get to do what and also who gets to keep what. He has all the power in the world of TGR right at his fingertips. He can hire, fire, reinstate, and make up any new policies he wants. He can do as he chooses and no one, no one (except for his daughter puruvi) can disagree with him. His rules are his rules and we the shareholders are replaceable, if we dissagree, just like the NED's who were fired. In fact we the shareholders are at the very bottom on the pile when it comes to respect. Why? Because we are replaceable. Shishir knows theres plenty more investors in the sea willing to take a chance on TGR. I mean after all, TGR has graphite in the ground. And lots of it. So as long as he can rule the school he can keep making money. The money he makes doesn't have to be for one company. And no one can challenge him since he is the boss. His current wealth in the double digit millions (pounds). That's just his personal wealth. If you look at the companies he is part of excluding TGR then you can double that wealth. Oh and no one can stop him. Why?. Because there is NO ONE to stop him. Its only him in the driving seat. And why would anyone want to stop him from creating wealth for himself. Perhaps because there is no IMMINENT tax rebate... perhaps because TSG belongs to shishir and not to TGR shareholders... perhaps because there is no Governance within the company....perhaps becaust the share price is 5p....perhaps...perhaps...perhaps... I can go on and on...PERHAPS THAT IS UNTIL NOW. Now this twitter group who are comprised of 2 of the sacked NED's (who have seen first hand how he has been ruling the school all by himself and filling his pockets with TGR company funds) and these ex NED's are like us, they are shareholders in TGR. Perhaps they can instill Governance so shishir cant make more new rules which line his own pockets and instead he has to start sharing the wealth that TGR shareholders have broug
Saluc - you really need to do your homework as the 5 mil raised was from Institutional investors. The other million was raised from us - the Joe bloggs investors. Shishir raised 6 million as he wanted as much as he could get with the PROMISE the majority of the cash raised would be used to enhance the downstream graphene side of the company. That graphene part of the Company was TSG - now PARNAGRAF. Guess who owns pranagraph - oh, and while your guessing - guess who is TGR'S biggest customer. Yes thats right Saluc -its Pranagraf.- Wow- no flies on you Saluc. Do some real research people or we will be left with nothing.
Fairtrader - shishir will go all out to stop the twitter group as he knows all to well if this meeting goes ahead then we all get to the truth of whats been happening behind closed doors, and thats the last thing he wants. Facts are that the EX NED's know what he's been doing as they witnessed them and are willing to divulge the truth since they themselves are affected since they own shares in the company too. Every shareholder has a right to know whats happening to the company they purchased shares in. We all own a part of TGR. We also have a right to know any and every illegal activity the CEO has committed. If he's innocent which he will shout from the rooftops that he is, then all he has to do is prove it. Its quite simple - listen to the evidence and make your own mind up - innocent or Guilty? Time will tell. One thing is for sure - If shareholders dont use their vote then your allowing shishir to continue the same way he has been doing for the last 3 and a half years and look where we are. Going nowhere--IMMINENTLY!!
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